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VideoBox (0)

pinkerton (0) 03-25-10  04:16am
Rookie Badge  Talk Back  Pollster  Top Monthly User  Male Profile TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Was a member approx. 1 month prior to this review.
Pros: Huge choice of videos going back over 5 years sourced from the best mainstream studios.
Frequent updates.
Excellent range and selection of gorgeous girls and styles.
Great variety of video formats, bitrates and sizes including mobile devices.
Streaming video works very well with excellent navigation.
Older content has been recoded to the highest bit rate of the latest videos - many other sites don't bother to do this.
Excellent navigation and organization of favorites which can be organised in "folders".
User reviews help to give you an idea whether to bother watching or downloading a video you're not sure about.
Can create custom clips (if you feed the need to).
Good download speeds (~600K/sec) and works with my d/l mgr of choice.
Cons: Poor download speeds (~50k/sec) for smaller clips - I guess the smaller vids are hosted on slower servers/networks?
Sometimes poor download speeds (less than 50K/sec) on some occasions.
Organising favourites didn't work - I tried moving favourites between folders and it didn't work. No response from Videobox support either.
Bottom Line: Not much change from my previous review of this great site.
In light of all the other great reviews, this'll sound boring, but Videobox is an excellent site that's excellent bang for your buck.
The content isn't exclusive but is high quality both technically and in content.
The so-called DVD quality may only be 640x480 but it does scale well to full screen on my widescreen laptop.
Would be nice to see proper HDV though this would mean much larger filesizes.
Would like to see more videos from Private studio as I'm a stockings kinda guy and they do lots of girls in sexy lingerie.
Overall highly recommended.

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Review Replies (3)

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Msg # User Message Date


Denner (0) Oh, that endless mess with the 'SEARCH' at VideoBox keeps on...:
All here at PU - or most at least know the star: Eve Angel.
Now she's got a 7ths name here at 'The Box':
'Katie'... (at the latest DVD) - and here she's british - at "British Sexfest #2"

03-25-10  09:29am

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moonbyrd (0) There is one thing I'd like clarified if anyone happens to know: the review states "The so-called DVD quality may only be 640x480". When I last had a subscription to Videobox (almost exacly a year ago), the DVD resolution was 720x480, which is identical to the source if they are ripping NTSC originals. Have they downgraded it in the meantime?

Also at the time the aspect ratio of the videos was wrong due to differences in the pixel aspect ratio, and I had to resort to a little trickery to correct it by hand. Is this still the case?

I tried to contact the VB customer service about the aspect ratio issue, but there was no reply.

At the time (last spring) I also looked into American Vice as an alternative. Then their video quality was definitely poorer, and I forgot about them. Now I find that in the meantime they have switched to a different video format (H.264) and their videos are now 720x480 pixels while showing the correct aspect ratio. Technically they may indeed have surpassed the quality of Videobox as it was last year, but there are two things that make me hesitate to reach for my credit card: their selection of studios is such that I can't seem to find many titles that I absolutely have to download, and they still have those offensive and vicious editorial commentaries which make me cringe each time I survey a scene. On the other hand, Videobox has added studios that I find interesting, but I would like to have some definite information about their current video quality. And then there is the pesky issue of regional pricing.

03-25-10  11:51am

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Cybertoad (Disabled) I always loved this site, but was so unorganized I seldom join now .
03-29-10  07:57am

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