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Khan (Suspended)
May I ask down how? I ask because the site (and the join page) is coming up for me.
03-30-10 01:45pm
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fiou (Suspended)
REPLY TO #1 - Khan :
I can't access it. won't connect.
03-30-10 03:13pm
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Khan (Suspended)
REPLY TO #2 - fiou :
My guess is that there's a router issue someplace between you and the site's server. As I say, the site is coming up from here.
You could try doing a tracert but even if you figure out where the stoppage is, there may not be much you can do about it.
Sorry I couldn't help more.
03-30-10 03:16pm
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fiou (Suspended)
REPLY TO #1 - Khan :
Everyting is fine now. But I still wish the downloads were faster. Anybody has ever tried a really site with fast downloads?
04-01-10 10:27am
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fiou (Suspended)
REPLY TO #1 - Khan :
site is down again. I don't get it. This is the only site that gives me problems. I can ping it in a DOS window, but I can browse the site.
04-01-10 01:15pm
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Khan (Suspended)
REPLY TO #5 - fiou :
Not sure what to tell you. I just checked again and the site is coming up fine for me.
04-01-10 01:32pm
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fiou (Suspended)
REPLY TO #1 - Khan :
I know. It's maddening.
04-01-10 01:49pm
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fiou (Suspended)
REPLY TO #6 - Khan :
The only thing I can think of is that there may be a limit in the number of megs you can download per 24 hours.
04-01-10 03:21pm
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Khan (Suspended)
REPLY TO #8 - fiou :
While I guess anything is possible, it's very unlikely that the site would show as being down altogether if you'd just passed a bandwidth limit.
Good luck getting your access. I'm still thinking it may be a router issue.
04-01-10 06:20pm
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fiou (Suspended)
REPLY TO #9 - Khan :
I have resetted my router. If it was a router, other sites would also be unaccessible. You see this morning I can access cathyscraving. There is a downnload limit and my IP gets rejected when I go over the limit.
04-02-10 05:12am
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Khan (Suspended)
REPLY TO #10 - fiou :
ok, well ... that's odd behavior but if you've got it figured out, then I guess that's good.
04-02-10 06:09am
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