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Visit Society SM

Society SM (0)

rearadmiral (0) 03-30-10  04:33pm
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - Membership in 5 sites for the price of 1
- Huge amount of material
- Download speeds (1MB/s and 1.5MB/s) as advertised
- Many big-name porn stars
- Many beautiful models
- No over-emphasis on one body type – most people will find models they like
- Pictures and video available
- Pictures are available zipped
- No download limits
- One of the best BDSM sites available
Cons: - Videos are broken up into segments (the segments mark a different part of the scene, but no full download is available)
- Video links are hidden within picture galleries, not readily available
- Can get repetitive – same settings, same equipment used frequently
- Older videos are smaller and play in Quick Time
Bottom Line: Society SM (SSM) is one of five sites available through a membership to any one of those five sites. (This includes Society SM, Fucking Dungeon, Cum Bots, Perfect Slave and Strict Restraint.) This bundling seems to be new, and creates an amazing value for BDSM fans. This review will look at SSM specifically, though much of it will also be applicable for the other sites.

SSM is a large site, having been in existence since about 2004. They have over 200 models, and many of those models have multiple scenes on the site. For quantity, this site is a great value.

For quality, this site is also an excellent value. The video is available in two formats, though I only downloaded the .wmv format. Download speeds are advertised at 1MB/s and I achieved those speeds consistently. I’m not a technical guy so I can’t really translate the video into technical specs, but I can say that it is comparable to what is available on other sites.

If SSM has one failing, it can be blamed on an embarrassment of riches. The site is so large that the number of models and scenes using the same settings, equipment and techniques actually starts to become a bit boring. The number of settings is limited, and the equipment used (even though it is innovative and creative) remains a constant throughout many of the scenes. For many scenes, the only variable is the model herself. Don’t read this as me saying “one negative aspect to this site is that it offers too much porn,” since that isn’t possible. But they could use different settings. The scene with Julie Night, for example, is shot outdoors and has a completely different feel to it. More outdoor work, or more in a setting other than the dungeon would be great.

As for the models, they are top notch. Many popular porn stars seem to have passed through SSM’s dungeon. I’m a big BDSM fan and always appreciate seeing a mainstream porn star on a BDSM site to see their reactions. One important thing to note is that this isn’t a site that degrades women. There is nothing inherently degrading about being a sub, and these Doms know this. It is fun and interesting to watch some of these women explore a unique sexual interest.

If you’re a fan of BDSM my recommendation is that you get a membership to SSM. You won’t be disappointed. Maybe a bit bored eventually, but not disappointed.

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Review Replies (5)

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Msg # User Message Date


pat362 (0) Great review.

Which site do you get with your membership? Is there anal content or is it very rare?

03-30-10  07:38pm

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rearadmiral (0) REPLY TO #1 - pat362 :


With the one membership (and I presume that you can join through any of the sites) you get all five sites. This includes Society SM, Fucking Dungeon, Perfect Slave, Cum Bots and Strict Restraint. I've added a mini-review under each of those titles to give specific details about each site. Most of the sites aren't all that different, with the exception of Fucking Dungeon which is BDSM (obviously...) with hardcore sex. The others feature a mix of bondage and forced masturbation, usually with a toy.

You will see some anal sex, but very rarely. The odd thing, I think, is that they have some models who are well known for doing anal who don't do much here. It does occur, just not often. It occurs on the bondage sites too, but again only rarely, and most often in the form of an anal hook.

I don't know your tastes, but if you're into BDSM I think you'll like these sites. Yes, they can get repetitive, but that's mostly because there is just so much material here. And there is no way that I'd call THAT as serious criticism!

If you have any more questions I'd be happy to answer them.

And thanks for pointing out that I didn't name the sites in my review. I've edited it so that people can see the sites I mean.

03-31-10  01:17pm

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pat362 (0) REPLY TO #2 - rearadmiral :

Thanks for the info. I actually noticed that you did some mini reviews in the comments section but by then I had already sent you the email. I think that I may join them now because you get all the other sites. I don't think I'd ever join them as stand alone.
The one that I've looked at a few times is bondageorgams.com but I'm still undecided.

03-31-10  07:15pm

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rearadmiral (0) REPLY TO #3 - pat362 :

If you haven't had a membership to any of the sites at Kink.com I can't recommend those enough. For BDSM stuff they are easily the best on the internet. They are pricey, but worth it. Once you join one site at full price I think you get a discount on others. Society SM and the other sites are excellent too, and definitely cheaper than the Kink stuff.
04-01-10  01:55pm

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pat362 (0) REPLY TO #4 - rearadmiral :

I have been a member of 3 kink sites. Whipped ass twice and once to fucking machines and once to everything butt. I don't consider fucking machines a true bsdm site since it's basically a girl and her toy(s). I also think that everything butt is more extreme lesbian or BG sex than bsdm. Whipped ass is the only one of these 3 that I consider actual bsdm.

I don't know if it's still active but I believe you can join any of their sites for 19.95$ but that could be an offer reserved to previous members.

04-01-10  07:12pm

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