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bacardiancoke (0) 04-07-10  06:34am
Rookie Badge  Pollster  Male Profile TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - Wide selection of videos and pics
- Good download speeds
Cons: - Much looks non-exclusive
- Content doesn't appear to be all amateur (known pornstars are in the sets)
Bottom Line: So, what is the site?

Billed as being run by "Rebecca" a swinger wife from Florida, the content is all "submitted" by visitor and site members.

Now call me cynical, but if me and my wife (also swingers) submitted our content then we'd expect something in return, there's no evidence (although I can be corrected) that any consideration is offered in return for the submission.

Not only that, but I rapidly came across content of pornstars. So either our webmistress hasn't researched the internet and sex industry or doesn't bother to check what "she" is willing to upload and sell to others.

At best this is copyright breaching by sheer ineptitude, at worst this site is one of those despised by those who work hard and at great expense to create their content only for it to be lifted by an opportunist. I do not know which applies here, although I have my suspicions.

The content itself is just as advertised, sets of 50 single cumshot pics in various positions of various quality, and videos of varying quality (well it is "submitted" stuff.)

Bottom line? The best I can say about the site is that it is a TGP that charges you to use it. Sorry, but you really need to get things together here.

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