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Visit Club Sapphic

Club Sapphic (0)

Goldfish (0) 04-19-10  03:26pm
Rookie Badge  Talk Back  Pollster  Top Monthly User  Trusted User  Male Profile TRUST USER?   YES (1), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: + Great lesbian sex. I can't say it's "authentic" as I'm neither a woman nor lesbian but it's good!
+ Videos have a simple storyline and some build up to the main event. (In most cases not too much.)
+ TBP discount.
+ Can browse content in thumbnail or detail view.
+ A few really great regulars in the videos including Elexis Monroe and Samantha Ryan.
+ Models of different ages and varying body types gives some good variety.
+ Videos offered in segments or full download in a few different file types.
Cons: - Awkward and somewhat misleading site design.
- Confusing/non-functional rating system.
- Little used site functionality. (i.e. tags, blog)
- Mediocre video quality compared to the file size.
Bottom Line: With a little fine tuning Club Sapphic could be a really great site. The storyline and passion the models put into the sex scene is something overlooked on many porn sites these days. If you compare the acting to another popular lesbian site like Sapphic Erotica it's like day and night.

The producers of the videos are creative in how they build the sexual tension between the models. There is cheating, straight girls going lesbian for the first time and cat fights as a few examples that I enjoyed.

There are currently around 120 videos that you can browse on a fairly simple page with a detail/thumbnail option. One peeve I have is the release date of the update is not displayed on the thumbnail view. Otherwise it's easy to navigate with some different filtering options.

The site itself has a network feel to it though there really is no network. (Which is a disappointment after you learn the reality.) I'm guessing the webmaster has visions of a network someday but it ain't here yet! I'd suggest removing the network references until there are at least two sites.

Another confusing piece of functionality is the rating system. There is a 5 star user rating for each video, each girl and each site (LOL). There is also an "LN" rating, which I suppose is the webmaster's rating -- i.e. LN = Lesbo Network. When I tried to add my own ratings the mouse over effect over the stars made them fill in or empty as I went back and forth over them but when I clicked on a star it didn't save my rating.

There is also a "Like" rating for each video. I don't know if this is different from the 5 star rating but I basically gave up on rating stuff after a while.

When I started downloading from the site there was always an HD file type label but none of the movies actually had an HD video. (Another tease!) To their credit it appears that label has been removed as of today.

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