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Visit Foot Fetish Daily

Foot Fetish Daily (0)

nadiencendia (0) 05-30-10  05:16am
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Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -Medium-big size archive
-Good video quality (not great in older videos)
-Cute girls, some classics like Cytherea, Sunrise Adams or Jewel Valmont aka Ava Vincent.
-Easy navigation (by model, by type of action, by date...)
-Different styles and types of foot action (hardcore, lesbian, solo, etc.)
-Regular updates (they really do come daily)
Cons: -Very few download options
-Most models are just average, not ugly, not impressive
-A lot of the sets are solo action (Meet X, X self-sucking, X soles on glass, etc.)
-Best known actresses have very few sets or videos
-A bit high-priced (29.95$ a month) for this times of crisis.
Bottom Line: I was really hoping this to be a great, great site like Hot Legs and Feet (my all time foot fetish favorite, as some people at PU may know). And it wasn't. Foot Fetish Daily is not bad, but it's not great either. It offers a good number of pics and videos, with some really hot girls like Daisy Marie or Nicole Ray, for example, but you also get a huge amount of solo sets with anonymous models whose name, face and body you probably forget the next minute.

On the pro side, Foot Fetish Daily gets you access to at least a part of the Kick Ass Video archive (the ones who make Barefoot Confidential, the longest running and most awarded foot fetish video series, if I am not mistaken).

I don't see FFD as a long membership kind of site, even if it is true that it is updated daily. Unless, that is, that you like foot fetish solo videos, which are not my cup of tea: in that case, this may be the perfect site for you...

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Review Replies (2)

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malikstarks (0) This is a good review, you make a lot of good points. However, in comparing Foot Fetish Daily to Hot Legs and Feet, I personally prefer Foot Fetish Daily.

If your were to compare the two sites on paper there is no question Hot Legs and Feet is superior and from that standpoint I see where you are coming from. The models are hotter, more HD, more content overall.

However for me two things, first there is no question that European models are hotter on-the-whole, but I prefer North American models, and finding North American models in high quality Foot Fetish stuff is somewhat rare, even these days. (I mean if you think about it most of the high quality foot related sites are European based.) I like the idea of taking the same girls you see on other more mainstream sites and putting them in foot related scenes.

Second, Foot Fetish Daily just has more personality and fun, it has an informal 'round the house' type feel to it, plus the interaction between the members and webmasters/directors is unparalleled, at least in my experience.

Don't get me wrong, I like Hot Legs and Feet and will probably return to it some time soon, however Foot Fetish Daily for me is a permanent fixture in my porn budget. I came to the conclusion that if I had money for only one site, Foot Fetish Daily would be it.

05-30-10  09:41am

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nadiencendia (0) REPLY TO #1 - malikstarks :

Hi, malikstarks, thank you very much for your reply. I suppose it is a matter of taste, and of what you are looking for in a site. I am not much of a "talker" or "contributor" in porn sites (PU excluded), and I base my judgement of a site, basically, in the quality of its videos (I almost don't look at pictures any more) and the hotness of the models they hire. I don't really care much about forums, news, extras or bonuses: give me good videos, and forget about the rest.

As for the models, for me, Eastern European models have no equal in the world, and I am a great fan of some of them (Sophie Moone, Blue Angel, Eve Angel...). I also like some American actresses, of course, but the average American actress doesn't do it for me.

Anyway, as I said, FFD is a good foot fetish site, and if somebody joins they won't be wasting their money; but Hot Legs and Feet will always (I think) will my personal favorite, also for "sentimental" reasons: it was the first adult site that I joined, when I had the money and the chance to do so...

05-30-10  03:41pm

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