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Action Girls (0)

Drooler (0) 06-25-10  02:51am
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Four Bones to Pick

Two and half months ago, posted a favorable comment about this site. I also joined soon after, and now I have a few warnings for those interested.

First, the maximum pixel resolution on new photos is their "super large," which is about 2000 pixels (sometimes exactly, sometimes a little less). But the site is still advertising "2722 PIXELS RES." to this very moment.

Did somebody just make a little mistake and just kept copying and pasting it? I mean, they're not just lying, are they?

The second problem is that although you get access to Viewpornstars, too, getting there is a hassle. You have to look around to find the entry point, turn off your popup blocker, click the Viewpornstars collage icon, then click this little button in a popup. Then the windows to the site open.

And then there's a third problem, and this one is really bad. The more recent galleries and zips prompt you for a usepass that you don't have! And not having it, you're up the River Shits.

I've emailed them twice about Viewporstars access problems. The responses: NOTHING. And that's problem #4.

So buyer, beware!

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Msg # User Message Date


PinkPanther (0) Yeah, I think I was able to take advantage of viewpornstars once when I had an ActionGirls trial membership, which is all I've ever paid for. That's a drag about the more recent galleries not allowing you to access them.

This is a fun site when you can get access to the material, though it's designed by ants - or some other maze-loving critters.

06-25-10  05:45pm

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Drooler (Disabled) REPLY TO #1 - PinkPanther :

LOL. It is an aMAZing bunch of pages to get through, authenticate through, AND scroll through. It's 3-D hell. Makes me wish I WERE an ant.

Or perhaps it's designed by empirical behaviorists and the whole thing is an ongoing research project, and we ARE, in fact, the ants!

06-25-10  05:52pm

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PinkPanther (0) REPLY TO #2 - Drooler :

I think you've got it now - ActionGirls.com is Scotty JX's project to complete his Masters in Behavioural Psychology - and pay for grad school.
06-25-10  09:11pm

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Drooler (Disabled) REPLY TO #3 - PinkPanther :

OK. Now it finally all makes sense!
06-26-10  05:17am

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