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Visit Hot Movies

Hot Movies (0)

nadiencendia (0) 06-29-10  01:51am
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Status: Current Member for over 1 year (at the time of review).
Pros: -Huge ammount of videos (and growing): literally thousands
-Several streaming options and qualities (from Low to Mega)
-Price is very reasonable (for streaming: 200 minutes for 19.95$, for example)
-Improved scene description and interface
-All kinds of niches and fetishes
-Includes movies ome of the best studios and directors (Vivid, New Sensations, Viv Thomas)
Cons: -Not all movies are available for streaming
-If you want to "rent" movies, it's much more expensive
-Older movies have worse video quality (and worse scene tagging and description)
-Sometimes (very, very few times) a movie won't stream as expected
-No pictures (that's not really a con for me, but it may be for some people)
Bottom Line: So, I just realized that my last review for Hot Movies "expired", so, since this is one of my favorite classics, I decided to write a new one. The fact that I am still a member of this site after more than two years should tell you that I am quite satisfied.

Basically, I think this is a site for movie streaming. You don't have pictures, and renting options are much more expensive. So you should accept the idea of watching porn online, and not "owning" it in your PC. If you can do that, this is the site for you. You have an enormous archive with tons of movies with many of the hottest actresses and from some of the best studios (Wicked Pictures being the most notable exception). And new movies are added daily (I am talking around 25 new movies a day, aprox.)

I really recommend this site, specially since it has no monthly rate: you can buy your streaming minutes and use them whenever you feel like it. Or even pay-per-view (an option I haven't used because it's more expensive). I only wouldn't recommend this site for people who want to download movies, or people who like pictures better than videos.

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Review Replies (3)

Replies to the user review above.

Msg # User Message Date


ace of aces (0) nice review. are the videos exclusive? how fast is the dl speed?
07-05-10  08:17am

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nadiencendia (0) REPLY TO #1 - ace of aces :

Hi, Ace. They are not exclusive videos: they are movies produced by several porn studios, mostly American. For example, here you will find Vivid, New Sensations or Kick Ass Picutres movies, which probably can be found in other sites, but probably not this cheap :)

As I said in the review, I usually stream the movies, I don't "rent", "buy" or "download" them. It's much cheaper and the quality, in recent movies, is extremely good. If you want information about downloads, here you have what the page itself has to say: http://www.hotmovies.com/downloads.php?language=english

07-05-10  10:29am

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ace of aces (0) REPLY TO #2 - nadiencendia :

thanks for info. it helped further.
08-11-10  06:37am

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