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Visit 50Plus MILFs

50Plus MILFs (0)

messmer (0) 07-06-10  11:38am
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: True to the niche. All models are over fifty and most are quite attractive to those of us who like mature women. Models seem to be genuinely enjoying themselves.

Videos available for streaming and download at HD quality at both 720p and 1280p

Excellent streaming at 720p.

Downloads were generally quick for me.

Photo sets come in medium and large sizes, zipped. Large is usually around 1500 px but fluctuates, even within the sets.
Cons: Picture sets are relatively small, 35 - 50 pictures per set in the ones I tested. As in its sister site 40somethingmagazine the watermarks are too garish and huge and tend to spoil the picture.

Watermarks are also quite prominent in the videos but because they take up less of the screen they are easier on the eye.

Download speed was erratic. Some videos downloaded at 1.8 MB/s (single download through DTA) while others barely reached 600 KB/s.

Only one download at a time when using DTA through Firefox. Much slower speed when using regular Browser downloader.

Still a relatively small site with 49 models.

Videos and Picture sets only update once a week, which might not be a bad thing since attractive 50+ models are few and far between and the chance is always there that the quality gets watered down.

Navigation is simple but nevertheless takes a bit of getting used to.
Bottom Line: I love this site and it would have rated well in the nineties if it hadn't been for those accursed big watermarks and the fact that it is still a relatively small site.

The quality of the videos and pictures is excellent. The ladies are confident and at ease with their bodies and sexuality and appear to be having fun at the shoots. I especially enjoy the interviews because it makes the scenes the models appear in later on more "intimate" for some reason.

I would highly recommend this site, for a month, to lovers of truly older women.

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Review Replies (12)

Replies to the user review above.

Msg # User Message Date


mbaya (Disabled) What age are the guys? Do they play up any age differences?
07-06-10  03:10pm

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #1 - mbaya :

Hey, mbaya, from what I've downloaded so far the older woman / younger guy or girl angle is heavily favored. I would say the age difference is usually at least twenty years or even more. I might have to correct myself once I've looked at all the videos but somehow don't think so.
07-06-10  03:16pm

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Darrow (0) This is personally my favourite older woman hardcore site. I like older women and older women ain't younger than me (mid 40's). This site shows that older women are both beautiful and sexual.
07-06-10  05:36pm

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #3 - Darrow :

I definitely agree with you, Darrow! I am their age and they look real good to me.
07-06-10  06:23pm

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csbadger49 (0) I just finished a 1 month subscription to both 50plus and 60plusmilfs. I agree with all of messmer's points. I too could only download 1 video at a time. Overall all great content and recommended, as messmer says, "for lovers of truly older woment."

I'd rate the site an 85.

01-02-11  03:30pm

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Silverman6 (0) Hi Messmer,
I just joined the site and was surprised to discover that only the three latest videos are availible for downloading and the rest can only be view by streaming. Is this really how this site operates?

02-12-11  07:37am

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #6 - Silverman6 :

Hi Silverman, didn't work that way for me. When I was a member all videos were downloadable. I would get in touch with support to see what's going on????
02-12-11  09:37am

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Silverman6 (0) REPLY TO #7 - messmer :

Well, seems like their customerservice does not work either so I am a bit stuck. (I filled out the serviceform and only got the message "There are errors in your form. Please fill out all the required fields correctly." Tried it in different browsers (Mac) with the same result.

Just to clearify; this is how the site appears in my browser
On the three latest movies I get the choices: -Watch it now, -Save to disk, -Mobil, -HD-format, -Trailer.
On the rest I only get: -Watch it now, -Trailer

BTW: The three films I could download was marked "Available for download until March 31 (17, 3), 2011" so i seems like they do now operate with a time limit ( 7 weeks) to their downloads.

Personally I can't be bothered to watch streamed material so this membership was a total waste of money for me...

02-12-11  10:19am

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Khan (Suspended) REPLY TO #6 - Silverman6 :

Might I ask, did you join as a trial membership or a full membership?
02-12-11  10:31am

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Silverman6 (0) REPLY TO #9 - Khan :

I doublechecked with the receiptmail I received and I joined up for a full membership at 29.99 a month as intended. But I see your point, it almost seems like the site is in a trial-mode...
02-12-11  11:01am

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Khan (Suspended) REPLY TO #10 - Silverman6 :

Yes, that's what I was thinking and if that was the case, I wanted to be sure our folks got the listing updated.

Thanks for the info.

02-12-11  11:07am

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #8 - Silverman6 :

I am so sorry to hear about the unwelcome changes, Silverman. As a matter of fact, this stinks! I was going to re-subscribe to this site down the road but no longer. I was going to ask you next if you were on a restricted trial membership but I see that you and Khan have discussed this already. Man, this is really a radical change. If were you I would leave a comment on the site's page, sometimes that gets a quicker answer from a webmaster than an email to support. It might also alert other potential subscribers to the site's new, restrictive way of doing things!
02-12-11  04:07pm

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