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Twistys (0)

graymane (0) 07-15-10  10:59pm
Rookie Badge  Talk Back  Pollster  Top Monthly User  Trusted User  Male Profile TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Was a member approx. 2 months prior to this review.
Pros: + Plenty of beautiful girls
+ Nice, sexy, well done video routines.
+ More than ample, timely updates.
+ Video and images are sharp and crisp.
+ Professional site managment and dependable technical maintainance remains a sterling Twisty given. An exceptional value with PU's perks.
Cons: + After a short duration of being on this site, despite the availibility of so many great looking women, in my case I found myself looking for and expecting something better to come along. That didn't seem to be forthcoming.
Either I was to dumb to find it or the streaming video feature wasn't working on my dime; because all I had (though excellent) was the usual medias that required downloading onto a temporary folder.
Bottom Line: Although Twisty deliverded, I somehow just couldn't get into what they were offering on the scale I was expecting. The girls were great; picture and video clarity superb; routines well done......but it simply lacked the sought-after elements I'm looking for.
With a Twisty membership special, as I've said.... It's an exceptional offer and one I'd heartily recommend.

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Review Replies (4)

Replies to the user review above.

Msg # User Message Date


Sevrin (0) Could you be a bit more specific about what you found lacking?
07-16-10  04:50pm

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graymane (Suspended) REPLY TO #1 - Sevrin :

Good question....
To be blunt, the content "lacked" what I wanted; it "lacked" the spark, erotic appeal, or, more importantly, the ability to do anything for me.
As I stated in my review,: "the site delivers"......just not for me. I don't doubt I'm in the minority with my views, but in fairness to an honest review I'm calling it like I see it.
It might be worth adding that Twistys "lacked" my interest so much that I logged on only about ten times during my months' membership.
To Twisty's credit, however, and something I forgot to mention, is that I was strongly impressed with their provision to critique each model and feature. Also, it is very likely I'll try another Twisty site with a different nitch .......in fact, as of this moment, there's a discount invitation in my mailbox for that very thing.

07-17-10  12:32am

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alexmedia (0) I was member of this site some months ago. Really good glamour and softcore content. Very attractive and sexy girls :)
07-18-10  12:02pm

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Shap (0)
Thanks for the review. We have added streaming since your review ;) You were right it was desperately needed.
01-19-11  08:18am

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*Message rows highlighted in light orange are replies to replies.

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