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Visit GameLink Video On Demand

GameLink Video On Demand (0)

rearadmiral (0) 08-01-10  07:17am
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Status: Current Member for over 1 year (at the time of review).
Pros: - Large selection of DVDs, many not available on typical membership-type sites – TBP says there are near 17,000 DVDs
- Good, but not great, search function
- Wide variety of themes and niches available
- Excellent selection of “classic” porn (please note that I consider ‘classic’ to be 80s and 90s)
- Wide choice of how to access the DVD
Cons: - This is not a traditional DVD porn site – it can get very expensive
- Poor value if compared against a DVD site like Videobox
- DRM on everything
- Not all download/stream options are available for all files
- Download speeds are okay, but slower than some competitors
Bottom Line: Part of me figures that most PUs have no interest in VOD sites, but then the sensible part of me figures that several good ones exist so someone has to be using them, and maybe a lot of people are like me and can tolerate DRM to see some DVDs that aren’t available elsewhere. For many titles, a VOD site is the only way to get it online.

Gamelink is HUGE, like most VOD sites. TPB says that they have close to 17,000 titles available for some form of viewing. Some of those titles are only available for purchase through the mail, but those don’t appear to be too common.

The search function on Gamelink is good, but it isn’t as detailed as some competitors, like Adult DVD Empire. The feature that seems to be lacking is the ability to do a multi-layered search. You can do a search for Tammi Ann or a search for LBO Entertainment, for example, but you can’t search Tammi Ann in LBO titles only. Not a deal breaker…

One aspect of Gamelink that is both good and bad is that most DVDs have several options available for viewing. You can buy minutes based on a package, you can stream the videos, or you can download them for a set rental period – usually 7 and 30 days. The bad part of this is that not all titles have all options available. I found several titles that I wanted to see but these were only available through streaming. I’m not a fan of streaming so I avoid these if I can. For downloads, most are available as a WMP file, but some have an option of DivX. Some only offer DivX. The quality of the WMP downloads is decent, but certainly not HD. I can’t speak for the DivX quality because I refuse to download a file manager and player just for a couple of videos.

Download speeds are less than I’ve seen at other VOD sites, and are about 400kb/sec.

Pricing varies quite a bit, likely on supply and demand. A hot title is naturally going to command a higher price.

One thing that really bugs me about VOD sites (all of them, not just this one) is that they are inconsistent with formats and prices. I’m not certain, but my guess is that this is the studio’s fault and not the VOD site. I suspect that if these sites had the choice they’d make all titles available in all formats at a lower price. My guess is that if a studio only wants their material streamed and demands a high price, then the VOD site has little room to negotiate. It ends up being a bad deal for us PUs.

But… other people than me have to use VOD sites too otherwise they wouldn’t be here. I’m pretty anal about my porn collection (pun intended) and I like being able to find and watch titles from my personal ‘golden age’ of porn, from the mid 80s to the mid 90s. For all their faults (and for a collector there are a lot of those) VOD sites help fill a void. Gamelink is certainly one of the better VODs that I use regularly and if you’re looking for a must-see title from any era I’d recommend trying them.

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Review Replies (2)

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Msg # User Message Date


nadiencendia (0) Thanks for your review, rearadmiral. I used to be a client of Gamelink (and if I think of it, I spent really a LOT of money here... so I try not to think of it :) But then I discovered Hotmovies.com, and I almost completely abandonned Gamelink: I only go back when there is a movie that I cannot find elsewhere, and which I really, really want to see.

But I suppose that's because I don't mind streaming videos (in fact, I would say I prefer it...); if I wanted to download them, I would compare prices and options between Gamelink, Hotmovies and Videobox, I suppose...

08-01-10  01:35pm

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rearadmiral (0) REPLY TO #1 - nadiencendia :

I'm a big fan of Hotmovies.com too. I have several VOD sites that I use regularly (Adult DVD Empire, Hotmovies.com, Download2Own, Sugar VOD, Gamelink and AEBN Theatre). Each of them has some benefits and some downsides too. I was planning to do a review of each of the ones that are listed here at PU to let possible users make an informed choice but I'm not sure that I can make the reviews different enough to warrant that many reviews. Some VOD sites are definitely better than others, but when there is a rare title that I want to see it usually comes down to finding which site has it. If multiple sites have it then it comes down to quality and price. I'm amazed that the price difference can be as much as it is sometimes. My experience is that Sugar VOD usually has the best price.

I wish I shared your enthusiasm for streaming. For me the collecting and keeping is important, especially when I'm finding older titles that I haven't seen for years. I'd like to be able to keep them DRM-free if they were available that way somewhere. The only reason that I'm not completely frustrated with VOD sites is that a lot of what I remember from my 'golden age' of porn in the mid 80s to the mid 90s was absloute crap. Yesterday I found a title I had been trying to remember for a couple of years. It was called "Backdoor to Harley-wood 2." When I finally remembered the title and found it (on Hotmovies) I streamed it and it occured to me that the movie was terrible. It's sort of like thinking about the early to mid-1970s as part of the muscle car era when Corvettes and Trans Ams had less horsepower than most family sedans today.

08-02-10  08:22am

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