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RustyJ (0) 08-05-10  12:02am
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I'd love to subscribe

I'd really love to subscribe but I feel network pass is the standard these days. I wish you guys had one, let it be limited or expensive if that's what it takes.

I could live with a subscription that lets me download only a handful of clips across all kink.com sites weekly. There appears to be so much great material spread across them but then there's also some stuff that's totally "meh" to me, even on my favorite niches.

Since you have so much genre overlapping stuff on your sites, maybe do what's very unpopular on network pass sites? I mean offering duplicates across the sites where it fits. So if a scene has sex in bondage, have it always on SexAndSubmission. If it has anal, put it on EverythingButt and so on.

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Tee836 (0) That would be nice but i doubt that will ever happen.What they will do if your a member of a site is discount another one of the kink websites usually like $10 off.Acually deeper discounts would be nice if your already a member of one of their sites like 50% off a second site 75% off a third site and maybe more access to some of their live shows.
08-05-10  04:45pm

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pat362 (0) I don't think it will happen anytime soon and It doesn't make good business sense for them to offer all the sites in a network.
Kink is possibly the top BSDM company at the moment and they have some of the best content on the net. For them to keep offering such good content means that they have to pay talent and that cost money.

Your idea of a token system that allows you to download certain scenes from each site is not a bad idea but again it would mean less money for them then if you have to join each site on it's own. At the moment they offer streaming and download to won but I don't think the cost is worth it.

Someone has already said that once you join one site then you automatically get reduce price for the others and they even offer a two for one deal where you get 2 months for the price of one.

I've joined at least 4 of their sites and I've never been disapointed with any of them. If you like their content then you should want to pay for it. You money will mean more content and that's a good thing.

08-05-10  07:33pm

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