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Visit Inexperienced Amateurs

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Tree Rodent (0) 09-01-10  03:03pm
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Best Deal

This is a new site. Go to TBP and you will see the price is $38.80 with no access mentioned to any other sites.

Go to the Reality Gang (which used to be Adult Reality Pass) review on TBP and you will see the price for joining is a reduced $17.99 from $30.00. Scroll down, click the link, and check out the 34 sites listed as part of the membership and Inexperienced Amateurs isn't listed. However if you go to the Reality Gang site you will see Inexperienced Amateurs listed as part of the membership.

The obvious bottom line is it's better to join Reality Gang and get membership to Inexperienced Amateurs for $17.99 rather than pay $38.80 for Inexperienced Amateurs and get no access to any other site.

At least that's what it looks like. I look forward to a review from some brave soul willing to risk being ripped off, for the benefit of all of us. I wont be joining though. Since they have pre checked cross sells and are going to charge me more for being European they can basically do to themselves what is being done to the porn girls.

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Msg # User Message Date


Capn (0) Regional pricing?


Another con!

Cap'n. :-E

09-01-10  06:21pm

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Tree Rodent (0) REPLY TO #1 - Capn :

What TBP says is this.
"Some included sites are not stand-alone sites. Users outside of the US may be charged in Euros, which would be much more expensive."

They also sometimes advertise membership for $7.99, but that is only if you join for a whole year.

They charge VAT of 20% on UK memberships. I found that out by giving a phony email address so I could get to the next join up page and see what it looked like. I didn't want the usual spam, so I gave the phony email address, as I had no intention of joining. It's the "may be charged in Euros" phrase on TBP that caught my eye.

I will not join a site that has regional discrimination.

09-01-10  06:46pm

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Capn (0) REPLY TO #2 - Tree Rodent :

Nor me.

In fact, I have reached the point where I will avoid using CCBill if at all possible!

IMO any site that facilitates such a con is just as guilty as the Webmaster who 'requests' it.

Cap'n. :0E

09-02-10  01:46am

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