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Visit African Fuck Tour

African Fuck Tour (0)

Harry Kuntz (0) 09-11-10  02:30pm
Rookie Badge  Top Monthly User  Male Profile TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Was a member approx. 6 months prior to this review.
Pros: -Real African chicks.No black girls from Compton putting a bone in their nose and pretending to speak Swahili.
-Real sex.No fake moaning & groaning.
Cons: -Video image grainier than an 8mm snuff film
-Production value about as amateur as a community theater doing JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR.
Bottom Line: Porn stud Antonio isn't some peace corp douche bag trying to save starving villagers in Ethiopia.He's
a great white hunter on safari for the choicest black pussy the dark continent has to offer.He's on an AFRICAN FUCK TOUR.
Of the 20+ episodes of AFT that I've seen,each one spotlights some sable skinned bush bitch from such exotic locales as Tanzania,Uganda,and Zimbabwe getting poked in every available orifice, until Antonio erupts a batch of baby batter all over their eager faces.Tarzan never did this!
While most so called "African" sights were filmed in the alleyway behind a POPEYE'S chicken in Atlanta with some used up porn star masquerading as an amateur,these girls are honest to goodness real life Africans.Sho' nuff'.
With that said...I think I'd rather smear peanut butter all over my nuts and let hyenas gnaw on them than fuck an STD marinated African hooker without a condom,but Antonio is one brave stunt cock and dares to fuck where angels fear to tread.
While the camera work an editing won't be winning an Academy award anytime soon,there's a good mix of multiple camera angles,POV,and hidden cameras to add a little variety.Most of the content is filmed in dingy hotel rooms and the poor quality lends itself to its sleazy voyeurism.
For the money you pay you get access to 80+ bonus sites that includes a lot of ebony porn.The sex is pretty meat & potatoes but you receive a medley of blow jobs,facials,and anal sex. Enough to keep your interest level high.If real African amateurs having real interracial sex is your pervy predilection then AFRICAN FUCK TOUR is for you.This ain't your Daddies NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC!

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Review Replies (2)

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Msg # User Message Date


mbaya (Disabled) How attractive are the women? Also, how often are the updates and how many videos are on the site? Are there photos and what quality are they?
09-16-10  03:42am

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BenThruston (0) REPLY TO #1 - mbaya :

Don't know if you got an answer elsewhere, but since I joined recently

-Women...decent at best. Some have nice tight body, though some got meat. Avg but not really rough looking neck up. Only gone through handful though.

-Updates once weekly...supposedly. I say that because only joined about a day ago, yesterday looked like it updated every Wednesday, now all the videos showing Thursdays.

-Only 35 videos up for site itself. Some other networked sites whose exclusivity is questionable, though haven't really checked out much.

-Pictures are really just screencaps. Not worth noting.

12-23-10  12:37pm

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