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apoctom (0) 07-02-07  08:08am
Rookie Badge  Talk Back  Comments  Pollster  Top Monthly User  Hardcore Badge  Trusted User  Male Profile TRUST USER?   YES (1), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for over 1 year (at the time of review).
Pros: LOTS OF CONTENT: Can't say it enough, there are a ton of DVDs on the website.
FREQUENT UPDATES: They have recently started adding a new DVD every 5 hours. That's 4+ DVDs per day.
Great price: Through TheBestPorn, a monthly subscription is only $14.95. That includes downloading at DVD quality (720x480 or 640x480).
VideoBox 2.0: They are currently beta testing a new site design. It looks amazing, is much faster, and is very user friendly.
Cons: Lately, the quality of the DVDs added has been hit or miss. With adding so many movies, sometimes VB has had to resort to smaller studios and some odd movies.
Bottom Line: A great site for a low, low price. For about 1 DVD per month, you can access their entire database of movies. I highly recommend.

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