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VideoBox (0)

iporn (0) 07-04-07  02:32am
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New Look

Videobox is testing a new look for the site, which is currently in beta phase. It's really nice, easy to navigate and gives you some new things to do. Just FYI.

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Msg # User Message Date


exotics4me (0) What is the new look and features? I join it about every 4 months, and have a few more months before joining again. I stopped by, maybe I need to clear my cookies, I don't see anything different. Any info would be appreciated! Thanks.
07-10-07  11:39pm

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Schnitzel (0) Yeah, I'm interested in some more informatino about this too. Videobox is a site I'm subsribed to more often than not.
The website is already excellent, but it'd be awesome to know what improvements they have planned.

Is it possible, if you're a member to elect to use the new beta site?

07-11-07  03:27pm

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Monahan (0) REPLY TO #2 - Schnitzel :

Apart from a much cleaner home page, the new Beta site adds a fflash player so you can check out a scene quickly without having to D/L. The flash quality is very acceptible. All members can opt in to use the Beta version.

The Beta also catalogues your d/l's and your flash plays so you can quickly find a scene you recently watched but did not save.

It also has an AI (artificial intelligence) feature that takes your interests and will suggest videos/scenes you haven't checked out yet.

I like the new version a lot even though I wonder how much data they have on me that I may not want them to have.

07-15-07  02:20pm

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Schnitzel (0) REPLY TO #3 - Monahan :

Thank you for the information Monahan :D

It sounds really good. Even the old Videobox site was superb so it's great to know they're improving it further.

Last time I was a member, there was no mention of the new site - I may join for another month soon though, so will be able to check out the benefits first hand.
The incorporation of a flash player is certainly a very welcome addition!

07-15-07  02:52pm

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iporn (0) REPLY TO #2 - Schnitzel :

Yes, I actually modified my bookmark to point to the new beta site. It's fully functional.
As for the improvements, you can now download the front and back cover of the DVD, there is a "my Videobox" tab, thumbnails are larger, you can download the movie scene directly from the DVD page, there are different pages for pornstars, studios and movie series, all in a modern look and better nav system.

07-15-07  11:27pm

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iporn (0) REPLY TO #1 - exotics4me :

The new look is in beta. While you are in Videobox homepage there is a link that gets you there. You can use either the "old" look or the beta (or both if you like)
07-15-07  11:29pm

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