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Tom22 (0) 12-30-10  11:38am
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Camera work has become pretty bad.

What a shame. So many very attractive models and you hardly get to see them in the videos. It wasn’t always like this at 21Sextury, they use to do a better job at getting the camera back so you could see the overall model, but that has mostly slipped away. Now they have fallen back into the old-time porn paradigm of showing ONLY face and ass.

Honestly, you can randomly skip through most of their videos and notice.. ultra close-up of face…. (skip again_ …. its and ultra-close-up of her ass, (skip again), … still ultra close-up of her ass (skip again), close-up of her face… and so on.

It’s really difficult to find a segment of the video where they get it right and get the proper distance so you can see the girl. I don’t know why porn producers are so very fascinated with ultra-close-up shots, every girl looks the same from only ten inches away. What is the point in having a variety of models? You can't tell any difference between them when you keep the camera so very close.

Porn is all visual and you need some perspective for it to be erotic, the ultra-close camera defeats that purpose.

Hey, if you like close-ups so much, why not trade in your cameras for electron-microscopes… then we can see the girl’s cellular structure. Wow, won’t that be erotic !!!!

Come on guy, we want to see the entire girl, not just parts of her. And not just a microsecond glimpse of the overall girl either, the camera should be at a distant to see the overall girl most of the time with only an occasional close-up, you do it backwards.

To their credit, I will say that their lighting is always good and they do a good job of keeping the camera steady. But DUDE, you got to move that camera back sometimes !!

If you go to see the Great Wall of China but only get to see it while standing ten inches from it, did you really see the Great Wall of China?

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Drooler (Disabled) I'd say the same thing goes for the photographs. It's rare there to get a good head-to-toe ass shot, nor a good head to upper-thigh one. They did manage to of Shalina Devine (Zoliboy "Home Video" shots 39 to 42). Britney "Kinky in the Bathroom" number 30 was a nice pose and shot composition. Back a few years, Olivia York in "Magnetic Eyes" number 34 was absolutely spellbinding, just as perfect as an ass shot could be, with her looking back with a face that shone with both sweetness and naughtiness.

I mention these things in such detail because I'd like to see more of this kind of thing at 21st Sextury, and everywhere else, for that matter.

12-30-10  11:11pm

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nadiencendia (0) Yes, I mentioned the same in a previous comment, and a thread was opened in the forums to discuss this issue. Apparently, we are a huge majority of users who prefer full body angles to close-ups of a pussy, a tit or an asshole, but directors don't seem to get it. With 21st Sextury, it's absolutely crazy: they have some stunning models, with gorgeus bodies and the cutest faces, and they insist on showing us 15 minute videos of their vagina. Come on, people, you can do better than that!
12-31-10  04:24am

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Tom22 (0) REPLY TO #1 - Drooler :

Thanks for the detail, I'll be sure to download those in case I don't already have them.
12-31-10  11:00am

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Tom22 (0) REPLY TO #2 - nadiencendia :

Yeah, and I always thought the huge majority would be those that prefer full body length shots. That's not to say there is never a time for a close-up, but geeezs you can't just part the camera at her butt-hole, which is what most sites do.

And they love shots from the floor looking up at almost a 90 degree angle of the girl. What's up with that? I wouldn't complain about it except that its so common. It's a lousy angle, but they love it and do it constantly.

Many of these sites that love this ultra close up crap would have 500% better camera work if they just put the camera on a tripod and never touched it throughout the entire scene. Honestly, I'd much prefer that to the constant and unnecessary movements, swatting of the camera, and too close-up all the time.

But if you want to see some good camera work, (not great, could still use some improvement) but some "good" camera work, checkout the Teen Mega World sites. The Russians have got the right idea on camera work. Good for them !!!

12-31-10  11:10am

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RustyJ (Suspended) REPLY TO #1 - Drooler :

Photography seems to vary a lot between the sites at this network. On some sites like those Russian teen ones they seem to use very much wide angle while on some they have much closeups.
01-01-11  03:29am

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Tom22 (0) REPLY TO #5 - RustyJ :

Yeah, that's another gripe I have that I haven't even got to yet, those ultra-wide angle lenses they use. They make every girl's ass look like its a mile wide. There is huge distortion with these lenses, take a look at the edges of walls or doors sometime and notice how curved they are. They are not actually curved of course, that's just showing how much distortion is in the picture. Unreal, they need wide angle of course, but there must be a lens out there that is not so extreme.

Congratulations on your win by the way !!

01-01-11  11:53am

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