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Capn (0)
Basically it appears to be stuff that is maybe 3 years old or so moved from their other sites.
The material is selected though, the turkeys don't make the cut. ;0)
Simlar to their other sites though the actual site itself has been revamped to current standards.
Whilst current updates are not quite current state of the art size & quality, the recent material at least is quite acceptable.
The really older stuff you have to make allowance for.
There is good value to be had here, because there is material from all their sites uploaded.
Unless you have been a member of all their sites all the time, you are going to regularly find material you haven't seen before.
Is it worthwhile?
Yes, most certainly for photos, probably less so for video.
Cap'n. :0)
01-22-11 02:00pm
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PinkPanther (0)
There are some gems to be found in the archives, for sure, but you'll be click-click-clicking away to find them.
You have to decide how much that appeals to you.
01-22-11 02:31pm
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graymane (Suspended)
Hi, messmer...
My personal take on this offer is a win-win; Wish they'd give me this kind of deal.
Most all ATK sites are good, and, as soon as I get a new gift card activated, I'm going after "Hairy" myself.
01-22-11 05:09pm
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messmer (Disabled)
REPLY TO #3 - graymane :
Thanks, graymane and the rest of you gentlemen. That gives me a little bit more info.
Graymane have you been to ATK Natural and Hairy recently? If not, see my comments there! I subscribed only a few months ago and was bored out of my skull with 95% of their updates. Other users must have felt the same way because only a handful of sets out of hundreds were considered hot, so I wouldn't count on it being a win - win situation.
If the Archives had some decent material from their other sites (above 800x600 for picture sets) then I might take a chance in the hope that updates to ATK N&H have improved in the meantime.
01-23-11 09:16am
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graymane (Suspended)
REPLY TO #4 - messmer :
I did read your earlier comment, messmer .... but like a lot of other things, anymore, it's since "evaporated." But this recent one you keyed for all of us to see I think will stick.
It did the job, though .......I'm now putting off any intended action about rushing into anything.
BTW..... Really nice to have you back.
01-23-11 04:04pm
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messmer (Disabled)
REPLY TO #5 - graymane :
That "evaporating" thing happens to me all the time, so don't feel bad, gray! :-) As to ATK Natural and Hairy, if you haven't been a member for a long, long time you might find a subscription worth your while. On the other hand if it's only been months then it's nothing but unbroken monotony. Or so it was for me, and even keeping in mind that tastes are different it can't be only me because too many other users are not thinking too highly of the most recent sets either. Unless they've changed since I left. God, there has to come a break soon .. too many sites offering blech stuff. Or maybe I'm getting too old for this .... !
01-23-11 06:12pm
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graymane (Suspended)
REPLY TO #6 - messmer :
Please understand, messmer, I don't want you to think I'm being "pushey" .... or still have my foot in the door on this one:
But hear me out!
I don't recall, but I think you made some effort -- apart from joining -- in briefly perusing Skin Video, the site I suggested to you late last year.
Skin Video's promotional introductions and tour takes you mostly only into it's hardcore stuff....
Why? I can only guess it's because of the variety and vastness of its content. And membership is the only avenue I know of that gets you into the maze of different stuff they offer. My suggestion would be picking their option to go onto their "old site."
It is here the door opens into so damned much stuff. Although somewhat disorganized, there's plenty for everybody's nitches.
I could be wrong, though..... as it has to do with your particular interests.
My point, messmer, is if you've painted yourself into a corner in seemingly fruitless searchs for what you want, it ought to be worth the reasonable $15 sum to go back to get in and look around ...
01-24-11 12:04am
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messmer (Disabled)
REPLY TO #7 - graymane :
Hi Graymane, you'll never forgive me for this but I am still a subscriber to this site for at least another month but I don't know for how much longer exactly because I deleted my link to this site as well as my user name and password on my computer ages ago because I got aggravated every time I checked their updates consisting of outdated and low grade material, and I haven't been back because I found it to be (and this is where you will get angry with me) one of the worst sites I had ever subscribed to and no longer had any interest in it. I am basically letting my subscription lapse without visits because the video updates were really mostly blurry (especially in streaming) when compared to those of other sites and their HD content I already possessed from another site. I did try their old site but the first download I attempted was around 64 KB/s, so I gave up altogether. Sorry, that we have to disagree so strongly about a site that you obviously cherish. I am about to disappoint another old friend in connection with a site he highly recommended so I'm not exactly a happy camper. However I have to be true to my convictions and can't do anything about my taste! :-)
01-24-11 09:12am
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graymane (Suspended)
REPLY TO #8 - messmer :
"Get angry with you?"........
C'mon, fellow-pervert!
You're my strongest, most respected forum-Warrior. And now one who's elder status make us a team to be reckonded with....
Don't sweat the skin video thing, Sir Messemer, I'd forgotten that we'd gone over this previously.
So Hang in there, Sir Messmer... an' keep those interesting post opened.
01-24-11 11:41pm
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mbaya (Disabled)
REPLY TO #9 - graymane :
I got this offer also. I asked if the offer could include a site other than Hairy and the answer was no. I thought hairy was a bit boring too. Now if the offer was for Exotics and Archives-YES.
01-27-11 08:24pm
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