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Visit Hot Legs and Feet

Hot Legs and Feet (0)

Wittyguy (0) 01-26-11  02:26pm
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Status: Was a member approx. 1 month prior to this review.
Pros: +++ 10 years of content online
++ Decent sized pics (all with zip) at 1300x2000 for the newer stuff
++ Good quality 1280 x 720 video
+ Choice of stream, wmv and mp4 downloads on newer vids
+ Some older material has been remastered for better size and quality
+ Updates 2 - 3 times a week
+ Good mix of solo, lez and hardcore (each about 1/3 although about half the HC scenes are just footjobs)
+ 2 day full access trial for $7 through TBP
+ Allows for DL managers (12 channels - 6 channels if downloading manually)
+ Many pic sets are set up for 3-D viewing if you download an app and have the glasses (I didn't try it).
+ Overall good quality production and lighting
+ Exclusive DDF material (not a lot taken from other DDF sites either)
Cons: -- Quality takes a dive once you get back to 08 and 07
-- Navigation and website need a big overhaul
-- The "casting" section of the site shows numerous updates but many sets have no material in them.
- Slow movie downloads (I rarely got above 200 kb/sec with a broadband connection)
- Many photo scenes seem incomplete (set abruptly ends when it looks like it should continue)
- Some recycled content from other DDF sites and earlier HL&F scenes
- No search function and no scene tags
- Only a few screen caps (get more)
- Newest vids only allow full scene downloads, no clips available
- Newer content doesn't have as many hot models, not as much true HC (as opposed to footjobs) and less costume/lingerie focus.
- No email confirming membership and they bill through vxsbill which is fine but canceling was easy and done through the website (I did get a cancel confirmation email).
Bottom Line: When I first found this site about 7 years ago I loved it. Hot girls, good lingerie and costume setups, good photography with some unique angles and frequent updates. While I wanted to give HL&F a 90 or better I just can't do it because the DDF boys just aren't putting out what they're capable of. Here's the lowdown:

PICS: Sets have about 100 to 120 pics and all have zips though only in the largest size. Newest pics go up to 2000x1300 but drop off to 1600x1080 starting around '08 and the oldest are only 800x600. Zip labels are actually good here and don't need relabeling. As noted, a bunch of photosets feel like they've been randomly ended. Quality is very good but more pics would be appreciated. 3-D is option on many sets that I didn't try. Watermarks present but not too big.

VIDS: Flash stream available for about the last 5 years of material (usually at 960x540). Newest vids are 1280x720 but before 08 tend to only be 850x480 or 7620x400. MP4 and WMV options available for the last two years but '08 and earlier only WMV, DiVX and QT available. Smallish watermarks on all vids. Vid sizes seem somewhat random for their release dates between '05 and '08 (one update will be small while the prior one will be large). Download speeds were a bit slow too. I don't know why they do this but the recent vids don't allow for clip downloads, only full scenes. Quality, again, is very good.

OTHER: The website needs an overhaul. Very plain looking and getting around takes some clicking. No real preview available. There are only a few search categories that are useless. No search function or scene tags also hurt with this much content available. They need a calendar update page or they need to better sort their material to make it more user friendly. There are brief model bios but it's pretty sparse.

The site seems to have lost some mojo the last year or so. Less focus on lingerie and more on the feet is not a great improvement by my standards. A lot of the recent hardcore and lez scenes focus more on footjobs as opposed to leg and sex worship. The girls aren't as hot as they once were either. The photography also seems more vanilla as opposed to unique and interesting which may be because DDF farms out more of their shoots maybe (not sure on this).

If it were up to me, I'd update the site look, add a search function and scene tags, make the videos more uniform in size, while adding more screen caps and allowing for clip downloads, remaster their oldest content, make sure their "casting" updates actually have content in them, and bring back more of the lingerie/hosiery focus and limit the amount of pseudo domination and foot emphasis they've recently been doing.

I know DDF can do better than this and I hope they do because this is a great site rivaled only by footsiebabes. I'd like to come back in another year or two and see things improved. Right now they need to do a little work but it's still a pretty good site.

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Review Replies (2)

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Msg # User Message Date


otoh (0) Good review, thanks - I'd been thinking of this site, but am more into lingerie/nylons/legs rather than specifically feet - so seeing it go in this direction lets me defer it for now until I've tried some others.
01-26-11  11:29pm

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Wittyguy (0) REPLY TO #1 - otoh :

I wouldn't say that they're entirely going in that direction but it seems to me like they're "shading" more in that direction. I do wish they'd get back to more nylon related stuff though.
01-27-11  11:40am

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