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Visit Morey Studio

Morey Studio (0)

Capn (0) 03-26-11  12:27pm
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: 1) Reasonably priced for an 'art' oriented site.

2) Nice variety of model type, as with all things in life, some more attractive than others.

3) Photography is of a high standard.
There are some really nice ( short ) sets.

4) No attempt at videos.
You may think it odd to put this as a pro, but I do admire someone that sticks to their strengths.
This is purely a photography site.
Cons: A lot I'm afraid.

1) Poor navigation.
Some links even take you out of the member area.
I haven't come across that in a long time & it used to be a pet peeve! ;0)
2) Short of opening every link, there is no way of knowing how much material is available on the site.

3) Very little material of each model & published sets are short, typically 40 odd shots, some as much as 60 some as few as 20.

4) Viewable photos are NOT high res.
Some are still around 800 pixels, a 'large' set is 1200 although the downloadable zip sets tend to be a little higher, but still only around 2000 pixels. Poor show for a purported art photography site.
Bottom Line: Although I really wanted to like this site, because I appreciated the style of photography shown in the free area, once becoming a member I was deeply disappointed, both in quantity & quality. Doubly so after Spencers relatively glowing review!
At times, I found myself wondering if it was the same site he reviewed.
Largely, it is the poor site implementation that is the main problem, but as things stand I shan't be letting this one renew.
Of the content that is there, some is familiar, probably from LSG as Drooler pointed out.

The clincher, dropping the site to not recommended, was Access Blocked, due to 'Excessive Usage' whilst I was actually writing the review.

Not impressed.

Membership cancelled.

Cap'n. :0(

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Review Replies (6)

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Msg # User Message Date


otoh (0) Thanks for the review, Cap'n - this looks a bit more playful/erotic than some art nude sites and there are a few models I like - particularly Mai Ly. But will give it a wide berth for the time being.

I'm tempted to sign up at Digital Desire - have you visited recently/at all?

03-27-11  01:42am

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Capn (0) REPLY TO #1 - otoh :

I am pleased to have helped.
Yes, it is but I am afraid it is so poorly implemented at the moment, I couldn't recommend it.
Whilst the style & standard of photography is there, there is neither quantity or quality of content at the moment.

I have never been a member of Digital Desire.

I may check it out, but not for a while yet.
Being burnt like this makes you more cautious for a while. ;0)

Cap'n. :0)

03-27-11  03:46am

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tangub (0) Thanks for the review on this one Cap'n. Drooler's "LSG Clone" comment probably means i will give this one a miss as i've already been a member there and was not overly impressed by the standard of photography.
03-27-11  11:45am

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Capn (0) REPLY TO #3 - tangub :

I can't really argue that point.
I'm pleased you found it useful anyway.

Cap'n. :0)

03-27-11  11:57am

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Trip999 (0) Sorry you had what sounded like a bit of a disappointing time there, but thanks for the informative review anyway.

Low resolutions of 'high-res' pics are indeed quite frustrating, I agree. I'm currently a member over at Teen Dreams (admittedly not an art photography site, but still) where I've happily downloaded a number of (older) sets only to be disappointed by the lower resolution of so-called 'high-res' photos - blurring any attempt to zoom in and get a better look at things.

03-30-11  02:05pm

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BradlyH (Disabled) Good review Capn, i can defiantly relate my experience at Morey with yours, especially the Navigation and shortage of pictures in a set subject.
01-08-12  03:32pm

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