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Visit Skokoff

Skokoff (0)

Trip999 (0) 03-28-11  02:15pm
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - High quality photography (2592x3872 portrait, 3872x2592 landscape in high quality)

- User-friendly site design/layout. Everything works!

- A number of very attractive models, especially Vera (Annabella, Irishka and Natasha also very nice!). Site features 93 models in total. Site has models index page - (http://www.skokoff.com/models.html)

- Zip downloads: available in high, medium and low quality

- Download managers permitted

- (Tongue in cheek) The back button doesn't stop working as with some other sites (eg Metart)!

- Cams/liveshow section available (have not checked it out myself though)
Cons: - Somewhat limited content as site only dates back to June 2008 (52063 photos in total). If site stays in operation, and updates keep on coming, this situation should obviously improve in time.

- Site does feature video clips but only 29 in total

- A little bit more in terms of models biographical info would be nice - eg likes, what they do outside of modelling. A biographical page attached to the end of each zip download (as happens with more recent Met-Art sets) would be great.
Bottom Line: I like to have my fingers in several pies at once, both hardcore and softcore and recently joined Skokoff to fulfil my ongoing desire for the latter. This is a very good site, though it cannot compete with the likes of sites like Met-Art (where I'm also currently a member) when it comes to sheer numbers/quantity of sets. Rather something more akin to a 'boutique' site where I have personally ventured mainly in order to pick up specific sets - but have indulged in the other material going whilst I'm around.

Nice and easy to use site, zips available - unlike my next destination - Rigin-Studio - where zips have been done away with (nominally, according to the owner, in an attempt to combat piracy).

Skokoff had been on my radar for a while and I finally got round to becoming a member about two weeks ago. Happy that I did.

A softcore, mainly photo site you will not find any masturbation/toys here as is seen at sites like Nubiles or Teen Dreams. This is an erotic photography, and not pornographic, site :-) There are a number of sets with 2 girls posing together, kissing and sucking of boobies/simulated fanny-licking permitted!

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Review Replies (8)

Replies to the user review above.

Msg # User Message Date


Denner (0) Nice and helpful review - in my opinion Skokoff has done a lot of good and some fine erotic solo-sets.
Thumbs up!

03-29-11  06:40am

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Trip999 (0) REPLY TO #1 - Denner :

Many thanks! I hope that this one was a little bit more informative and less 'rambling' than the others I did previously :-)
03-29-11  02:15pm

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tangub (0) Thanks for a useful review. I've just seen a lot of Skokoff's work on my recent membership in Met Models and i have to admit a lot of his sets and models were amongst my favorites on that site. I was tempted to join here also but the £22.95 ($35) join price is just too much in my mind for a site with 52,000 pics.
03-30-11  02:36am

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Trip999 (0) Hi there! Thanks for your comment. As a member over at sister site Met-Art (I'm on their yearly membership which came in at just under £60 when upgrading from a one-month recurring membership) I've also enjoyed seeing Skokoff's work there too. Much as I don't like recommending the competition (!) there's a site which you might not (?) have come across called Paysite Discounts (paysitediscounts.com/). They don't offer a discount on membership to Skokoff's site but thought that I'd mention it in case any of their other deals might be of interest to you. Should mention that I have not personally used them so am not sure if/how their discounts are affected by regional pricing.
03-30-11  01:23pm

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Capn (0) A detailed review.


I'll give it another look.

Cap'n. :0)

03-31-11  04:14am

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Capn (0) Had another look.

It may be an odd thing to say but....

Still not enough clothes!

The slow reveal of a leisurely striptease builds up anticipation nicely.

Not BAM...This is what she looks like nekkid.

Nothing to look forward to then.

Cap'n. :0/

03-31-11  04:26am

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Trip999 (0) REPLY TO #6 - Capn :

Interesting point of view Cap'n. It sounds like you're probably more of a connaisseur than me when it comes to this type of thing! I am working on it though :-) I can appreciate what you're saying to a certain extent though -over at Rigin-Studio at the mo (and elsewhere previously) I'm finding some of the photos towards the beginnings of some sets (where the models are clothed/partially clothed) more erotic/a turn-on than the later ones when the clothes have come off!
03-31-11  11:47am

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Capn (0) REPLY TO #7 - Trip999 :

It sounds to me like your tastes are evolving & refining.
Nothing at all wrong with that.
For me a fully clothed reclining shot can be just as erotic as the same pose nude.

Oh and to expand a little on my earlier comment.
I have nothing against seeing the model nude.
It is just I appreciate the anticipation of a slow build up, given by a decent striptease.
Even if it is a model I have seen nude many times before, I still really enjoy seeing her strip from different outfits.

Cap'n. :0)

03-31-11  11:57am

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