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Visit The Upper Floor

The Upper Floor (0)

Jay G (0) 05-11-11  01:41am
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: 1. Like "Big Brother" with naked women and sex, this sight offers a live-in atmosphere of sexy women in kinky servant positions serving men and women at a variety of sex parties.

2. Seems very real with participants talking and fondling, eating, drinking, and having sex in a way that seems very random and unplanned. This is both a positive and a negative feature.

3. Includes LIVE sex parties Wednesday nights that invite (but often ignore) member comments while several party participants go about fondling, eating, and drinking.

4. Includes the excellent and user-friendly Kink.com service where a member seldom needs to enter the password and can cancel membership very easily when it comes time. Of the hundreds of sites I've belonged to in the last decade, Kink.com seems to have the very best service.
Cons: Much less intense (less sex per minute) than many other Kink.com sites (such as Sex and Submission, Everything Butt, or Whipped Ass).

More talk and social-party atmosphere with several naked ladies serving the party-goers, with fondling and ass-slapping, but fewer blowjobs and actual sexual intercourse than other party sites.
Bottom Line: I took a long time before joining this sight, but find it an interesting one after having been a member of many more intensely sexual sights. Watching people at a party can be interesting.

While there are more performers per scene, there seems to be less actual intercourse per scene than most other sights.

If you enjoy watching lots of naked ladies walking around fancy parties being fondled and ass-slapped with some actual sex this would be your perfect sight.

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Review Replies (4)

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Msg # User Message Date


rearadmiral (0) Thanks for the review. I'm a huge fan of the Kink network but I've never been a member of this site. It interests me, and I've considered it, but I just haven't done it. I might have to join you in giving it a try.

BTW - I got an email about a new Kink site that just went live. It is called Bound Gangbangs, or something to that effect. It looks pretty good though it is still pretty small.

05-11-11  05:08pm

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Jay G (Disabled) REPLY TO #1 - rearadmiral :

I've been a big fan of Kink.com since they first started and have belonged to most of their sites. When you belong to one of their sites and are browsing other Kink sites, if you go to the "join" of the second site they often (but not always) offer a $19.95/mo special deal.

I belong to "Everything Butt" and was checking out the other sites when I found an offer for $19.95 for the upper floor. I couldn't resist the "deal" so that's why I joined a site that had seemed too expensive for a long time.

I'm positive I'll be joining Bound Gangbangs soon since just looking at its previews turns me on. I'm a dominant bi-sexual and have to admit dominating a willing woman with a few male friends turns me on.

05-12-11  04:17am

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mbaya (Disabled) Due to a mistake that they made, kink.com gave me credits to buy one scene. I chose this site and found what I thought would be the most interesting. I have had my eye on this site for some time, but the high price kept me away. I was so disappointed with so little sex and that the women were so heavily tattooed. I am interested in boundgangbangs, but at the moment it is far too small at ten scenes to justify $39.99.
05-13-11  08:11am

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Jay G (Disabled) REPLY TO #3 - mbaya :

I was all ready to join the new site also despite the limited number of scenes, but the $39.99 price tag made me delay for now.

I love seeing multiple naked women and actually kind of like tattoos, but I would sure like to see more (and better photographed) sex.

The unscripted format leaves the camera person struggling and even when there is sex, the views don't measure up to other Kink.com photography.

I remember one scene with three women under the table that could have been in any R-rated movie because not once was the camera person able to catch a decent view of the action.

05-13-11  11:17am

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