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Visit Anal Lick Fest

Anal Lick Fest (0)

Jay G (0) 06-30-11  10:47pm
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As a former member several times over the years, I went back to possibly rejoin and found that Anal Lick Fest (as a part of Meat Members) had, surprisingly, raised its price to $39.95/mo/USD.

The quality was always second rate, but the quantity was huge when I was a member in the past.

There seems to be no new added value for the high price, but only the "same old same old" at a "new high price."

Conclusion: my general experience in the world of porn for many years is (almost always) "THE MORE YOU PAY THE LESS YOU GET."


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pat362 (0) The only theory I can come up with is that since they don't really update with new content then they must be losing members and not gaining too many more to replace them so those willing to join must pay more for they to still make the same kind of money as before.
07-01-11  10:24am

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Jay G (Disabled) REPLY TO #1 - pat362 :

As usual, Pat, I think you've got it exactly right. Someone works hard in the beginning, then the money starts to come in and they begin to think they deserve it with less hard work. Eventually humans think they deserve it with no work at all.

I studied marketing and am a big believer in the psychology of "price-points." There is a point where you can maximize income without losing too many customers. If you raise your prices after that, the customer base evaporates and your income declines drastically.

Blockbuster had a plan that you paid a set price and got unlimited videos (one at a time) years ago. After being on the plan for many months they decided to raise the price and I quit. Found better options and haven't been to a Blockbuster store since (and I used to go several times a week, but now its been years since I went).

It costs almost nothing to run a web-site with no new product. Every dollar you make is almost total profit since you don't have to produce or ship any new goods. You can coast and still make money unless.......unless you raise the price above the "price-point."

07-01-11  12:17pm

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Jay G (Disabled) REPLY TO #1 - pat362 :

One more point in my free marketing lecture:

Who makes more money: an expensive boutique restaurant or the McDonalds Corporation? Coca Cola proved over a century ago that selling massive numbers of a product with good marketing trumps higher priced goods in the bottom line any day.

07-01-11  12:21pm

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pat362 (0) REPLY TO #2 - Jay G :

Just look at Pink Visual. If there was ever a porn company that has mastered the ability to screw customer it's this one. I'm quite sure there are many others that do the same thing but somehow few are as big as PV. As far as I can tell they haven't really filmed new content in a long time. Most of their updates are either leased material of much oldeer scnes that have been remastered. Add the fact that many of these can be found elsewhere like Videobox.
07-01-11  07:06pm

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Jay G (Disabled) REPLY TO #4 - pat362 :

Well, there's "a fool born every minute" (P.T. Barnum), and I've been tricked into the carnival tent more than once to see the "Alligator Boy" who turns out to be just a poor old man with psoriasis.

Thanks to Porn Users and other members like you I get tricked less often now.

07-02-11  01:17am

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pat362 (0) REPLY TO #5 - Jay G :

Amen Brother. PU and TBP have managed to save me a lot of money over the last few years with all the reviews of sites that I was seriously thinking of joining. There are some sites that seem to be good from the outside but are so awful once you pay your membership that many people get taken in. It's up to guys like you, me and all the other PU/TBP reviewers to warn others.
07-02-11  06:14am

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Jay G (Disabled) REPLY TO #6 - pat362 :

Amen. Again I say AMEN! Thank you, Pat. Thank you Porn Users.
07-02-11  04:04pm

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