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Visit Sierra\'s Secret

Sierra's Secret (0)

atrapat (0) 07-09-11  11:48am
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Sierra is back but her site needs work

This is the official site of big boobed US porn star Sierra. She starred in over 200 movies in the late 90s and early 2000s. Sierra used to be a favorite of mine because of her rack, attitude and oral abilities. I believe she retired about 5 years ago but I recently saw she’s back to filming movies. At least, she is in a couple scenes this year for Elegant Angel.

Sierra’s Secret is based upon a wordpress blog but there are no dates on the entries and comments are always closed so, even though they describe recent events, only those members who stay past the compulsory 3-day trial will realize the site is active. On a side note, it’s extremely unusual they don’t offer the monthly membership as a sign up option but you must go through a 3-day trial first.

Regular blog posts are mostly diary entries about working for the site or her sex experiences and fantasies. Some of them have slow resolution pictures of travels or just random phone self-portraits using a mirror. Most blog entries are links to image galleries or videos.

There are around 20 videos with no previews but directly embedded into the blog through some plugin that didn’t work for me. Each one is also available for download in different resolutions and formats (flv, wmv, mp4), the better resolution usually being wmv at 352x288, 2600 kbps but there’s no info on which one you should download for best quality. Some are shot with a phone’s camera, or a fixed one in a not so good angle or with night vision. There’s some boy-girl, usually POV. No trouble downloading them.

There are about 40 image galleries; most seemed solo and at 800x530 resolution tops. Images had an amateur flare but were much better than the videos. Can’t say much more because they were not available as zip files and site thwarted all my attempts to automate downloads.

Sierra seems to be active in the adult industry, shooting for other companies and her own site and attending conventions. I caught some hints that she might be transitioning into this site from another one because of some webmaster troubles. She kind of mentioned in a blog post having had live cams at her house and cam shows for members but currently they were not possible, not even an empty section on the site for them. Very little interaction: no shows, no comments allowed, no model’s email to be found despite she blogs about spending time answering fan mail. Only the usual widget with her recent twitter activity was there and she is actively tweeting.

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Msg # User Message Date


mbaya (Disabled) I always admired her looks, but found her videos mechanical and without passion. Is her more recent work any hotter? The tour does not entice me either as it doesn't give much information about the content.
07-09-11  09:06pm

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atrapat (0) REPLY TO #1 - mbaya :

I haven't seen her couple recent scenes for other companies and just browsed through the content here. As far as I could see, pictures here were often about goofy sexiness and videos were in such bad image quality that I really can't tell.
07-10-11  08:19am

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