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Visit Jelena Jensen

Jelena Jensen (0)

tboy (0) 09-19-11  01:45am
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Status: Was a member approx. 2 months prior to this review.
Pros: +exclusive jelena content
+live shows
+plenty of content
+she appears to be involved in the running of the site
+lots and lots of personal-life stuff
Cons: -fair bit of lower res older stuff
-quite pricey
-not updated frequently enough
-live shows often cancelled/re-scheduled
-blog not been updated since jan 2011
-lots and lots of personal-life stuff
Bottom Line: I got a massive Jelena fixation about 6 months ago and joined up on the 6 month deal.

I was pretty lucky in that the site was updated reasonably frequently and there was enough content to keep me occupied for about 3 months.

The navigation is simple (categories limited to pics, boy/girl vids, official vids and and friends). For some reason there were a few rendering probs with most of the content pages, but I was just after the zips so no real issue, zips just come in one size for pics, vids in a couple of different formats.

Webcam chat videos come in 640x480, roughly about 800mb and range between 30 mins and 1 hour. I picked up a few 720x480 chats looking at the collection but not many.

Timings for live shows are no good for UK residents, usually about 10pm EST from what I recall. But all are put up for download a few days later.

Official vids are very varied, ranging from tiny, tiny archive 320x240 clips up to 1280x720 running about 25min, the most common being 856x480. Most of these are about 300mb.

The last vid I picked up was 'Tie Her to the Tree' released August, this is some pretty nice light rope bondage with Aria.

The last pic set I picked up was again Jelena gagging Aria with ballgag, b/w set with pics 1071x1600. Not terribly high res but sharp and certainly acceptable, though no good for 1920 wide screen background.

This site is focused quite heavily on live webcam sessions and Jelena's private life. She posts a fair few pic sets of her and her friends out skiing, partying, holidaying etc. All of the live shows did include some hard core always with the same guy and plenty of actal chat. Not great quality but acceptable for web cam.

I was impressed that when she had problems with a potential site hack, she very quickly managed and resolved the problem with ccbill, it even looked like I received an email from her when I queried the situation which was nice.

Personally I'm glad I joined, I wouldn't join for 6 months again though, maybe 3. I picked up plenty of chat vids I've not listened through yet and there are plenty of photos sets stashed away to work through too.

Anyone manically obsessed with the woman could do a lot worse than joining the site, the personal touch to the site is nice and I think fans can get a decent fix whenever they need it.

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Msg # User Message Date


otoh (0) Thanks for the review - good to know it's a decent site. I quite like Ms Jensen, but I'm even more smitten with Aria Giovanni - who is adorable - so it's interesting to know there's quite a bit of content featuring her too!
09-19-11  11:36am

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