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Visit ATK Archives

ATK Archives (0)

WeeWillyWinky (0) 07-27-07  11:45pm
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Status: Was a member approx. 1 month prior to this review.
Pros: - Enormous amount of material
- Great search options
- Huge variety of model types
- Categorized sections
- Easy to navigate
Cons: - Much of the material is dated, with small pics and grainy video quality, but that's to be expected since this is an Archive.
- Vid clips are too small and scattered in a sometimes confusing manner.
Bottom Line: There is so much content on all of the ATK sites that even with a fast connection you simply can't get to all of it without an extended membership, and even if you had one for several months I doubt you could get through all of it, since they update so frequently. All you can do is dive in, come up with some kind of systematic approach to consuming the material, and hope you're not missing something.

Because of the amount of content, it would be nice if ATK had a member forum so people could give each other a heads-up on certain models or videos which are outstanding, or advice to one another about finding what we like. For instance, if you like panties, search for R. Williams; white cotton panties, R. Field; downblouse, upskirts, and panties, Marco P; in-your-face butt-shots, LIL, and so on. Each photographer has his/her own particular bent and style.

Twenty-five dollars is a drop in the bucket for this kind of feast. Don't under-estimate the Archives. There is a huge amount of excellent material here.

96 was too high. Always thought so, finally fixed it.

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Review Replies (4)

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Msg # User Message Date


messmer (Disabled) WWW, I am tempted. When you talk about picture size how small is small? Also has any attempt been made to have the earliest sets look better? It hasn't been that long since everything looked grainy and grayish and was 800 x 600.
04-14-08  06:23pm

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WeeWillyWinky (0) REPLY TO #1 - messmer :

Messmer, I wish I could answer your question precisely, but it's been over nine months since I was at the Archives, and this was long before my external hard-drive, so I put everything I download from there on CD. It would take a lot of time to find the material, since I have tons of CDs.

If I remember correctly, most of the earliest pics are probably 800 X 600, but more recent pics are larger, yet still small by today's standards. Quality-wise, the oldest pics from the Archives are pretty bad, these being from the late nineties. What is frustrating for me is that while the pic size and quality were poor in those days, the style and content of the pictures were more appealing to me: more amateurish/girl-next-doorish as opposed to arsty/slick/glamorous, more old-school undies as opposed to thongs, butt-floss, and various kinds of shorts posing as panties, less tattoos and piercings, etcetera.

I don't know if they tried to upgrade the condition of old pic sets, sorry. If memory serves, I don't think so. Bear in mind, I cut my teeth in the old Newsgroups which posted pics from ATK all the time, and I was happy to be able to go and find the complete sets for most of those pics. That went a long way in making my experience with ATK's Archives more pleasurable. I suppose I was slightly biased.

Hope this helps at all. Thanks for the reply.

04-14-08  10:11pm

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #2 - WeeWillyWinky :

Thanks for the reply, WWW. I think there's a yearning in both of us for contents that are rapidily going the way of the Dodo. I too hate thongs and tattoos and piercings etc. but it's the in-thing. That's why it's becoming so hard to find a site that appeals to anyone over thirty.
04-15-08  08:46am

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Capn (0) I agree with you that this is an excellent site for those that like amateur softcore photographic content.

A plethora ( wonderful word that! ;0) ) of different models with a regular updates as older material is moved across from their other sites.

Great value for those that haven't been members of ATKs other sites.
If you have been a long term member of any of their sites though, you do eventually keep coming accross deja vu. ;0)

It does take a long time to reach that point though.

09-12-09  07:16am

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