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Visit XL Asians

XL Asians (0)

Watson (0) 10-08-11  07:41pm
Rookie Badge  Top Monthly User  Male Profile TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for over 3 months (at the time of review).
Updated: 02-02-12  07:48am  (Update History)
Reason: I have had my "fears" confirmed. there is nothing waiting for me in the near future. I felt that I should close the review. It saddened me.
Pros: - Content is (mostly) original (although some of the material appears to be taken from DVD releases).
- Material is uncensored.
- If you are keen on BBW Asians, the models are genuine BBWs, and most are from Asia, generally Thailand.
- ~35 High Res Photo-sets (1339x2000px) - All available as zipped archives for easy downloading.
- Website is quite professional looking, and slick.
- Signing up with XL Asians gives access to the AsianWhorePass (Siam Slam, Asian Baby Makers, Bangkok Street Whores) and AllAccessJapan (Forbidden Tokyo, Jgirl Adventures, Japanese Juggs) sites.
- Most videos may be downloaded as WMV in reasonable quality (not HD but im fine with that).
- The Thai BBWs are really something, if you are keen on that kind of thing, as SSBBW/BBW Asians are not that common outside most of the (*irritatingly censored*) Japanese material. Its good stuff.
- Some of the material on some of the affiliated sites is also excellent.
Cons: - Images are all watermarked.
- Updates presented as "upcoming" are iffy at best (I watched some of the "upcoming updates" at a friends place in January 2011). They are simply a ploy to attempt to cover up the fact that new material is not being generated, and has not been for some time (as evidenced by an old review (of over a year ago) reporting almost exactly the same content as I am seeing currently).
- Small number of videos available (fewer than 20) with only 14 available at initial sign up.
- Japanese material appears to be DVD ripped.
- Most of the video material at signup (10/14 videos) is breast play/groping (not my thing), the hardcore material seems to be mainly in pictures.
- The softcore does not contain any masturbation scenes, which I find dissappointing.
- Videos are, primarily, streamed and watermarked However there appears to be a problem when using Firefox/Aurora, IE works fine.
- Videos are 620x416 and do not "blow up" brilliantly.
Bottom Line: I have attempted to be as even handed as possible with this website so first up there are good points. Most of the BBW material is to the best of my knowlege, genuinely original and of good quality. And if you are keen on Thai BBWs, they are worth it. Although there is little hardcore, and the site's marketing seems to have relied heavily on hardcore pictures rather than actual hard-core video content. Personally I would absolutely love to see more content of all of the models on the site if it were available. I should also say that the affiliated sites also have some high quality, good content as well.

On the down side, however, I do not like being decieved by a website, and while I cannot be 100% certain that the owners and moderators of this network are being deceptive, I get the *feeling* that they are. It seems that rather than producing new high quality content, they have put down an initial investment, and then once people have been convinced to join, they are encouraged to stay by the slow drip of already made material. It appears to me that In order to get the full gamut of material from this network, one needs to remain a member for at least three months (If the "release" dates of the "updates" are to be believed. Some being listed as not to be released until *exactly* three months from sign up).

I also have a bit of a beef with the watermarking system in the videos. The watermarks in the video shift around the corners throughout the course of the video. I find it quite distracting, as well as every so often, a screen saying "XL Asians" pops up in the middle of the action. Also quite distracting.

The videos themselves are of reasonable quality, however they are not high definition. Many are quite short, and while they look good at their standard windowed resolution, when full-screening them, the effect is not as pleasant, there is a degree of pixellation. There being only 4/14 hardcore/Softcore ((NOTE: see above for a current number)) videos was a real blow.

The picture-sets ARE of high quality. If the images are downloaded individually, they are also individually watermarked with your IP Address, Username, and date of download (to prevent sharing). However this is not the case in the zip archives.

I was disappointed by the content over all. While I am happy with the Softcore stuff, groping really is not my thing. It may be someone elses thing, although sadly, it is not mine.

I would only recomend this site if there were specific things that you wanted from the affiliated sites as well as XL Asians as a whole.

Final verdict - Caveat Emptor, these guys have sold the sizzle and the sausage is rather mediocre. This site (and the network as a whole) seems to have been designed to milk paying customers not to provide new and exciting content.

((PLEASE NOTE: in response to a reply))
In the interest of fairness to a reply. Some of the photo updates are now from October of 2011 (as of 9/Dec/11) according to my EXIF reader. Although there is still a better part of 6 months where nothing has been published. And I still stand by my original review in spite of comments. At several months in I have not seen the upcoming updates. I will also accept that new material is being produced NOW. We are up to 24:49 Vids:Photosets (9/12/11) for those who would be interested (As of 3 months of membership). Of these 9 are hardcore, and of those, 4 hardcore vids are DVD material (see the entire content of: "Japanese Whale Hunt" from Third World Media.)

I do note that I have removed a comment about cams as they function, not that I care. HOWEVER: I stand by my review: Having spent 3 months at the site. The hardcore is really few and far between: none in the forseeable future according to the site future. If you like "groping", go for it. For me: I am not keen. I am going to remove my subscription. I like video updates, a site that provides a puttload of photo updates is not something I'm so keen on particularly not if they sell it (or seem to) as videos. I am certainly not keen for this site for the amount that the site is charging.((/NOTE))

((NOTE: Upon resigning from site)) At four months in: The content is exhausted (not one *single* update pending for several weeks now. I had been holding out for the "updates" on the other affiliated sites which also now have no pending updates). I honestly feel fleeced, however I decided to obtain the whole set in spite of some of my comments above. The site is Shonky IMHO. I have decreased my initial rating on the basis of feeling cheated. And I do so sadly. The site concept is great, there is a niche out there, believe me. There are plenty of people who would love to see heavier women from Asia enjoying themselves fifty-seven ways from Sunday. This site does not deliver in the long term. Nor do its affiliates. They thrive on attempting to squash porn piracy (all against it) rather than making porn worth sticking around for. (//NOTE))

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Review Replies (3)

Replies to the user review above.

Msg # User Message Date


Capn (0) If only the owners of that site would put in as much effort as you have with your review, they would have a site which is 3 times better than it is.

Very commendable work reviewing a mediocre site.

Cap'n. :0)

10-30-11  04:30am

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TheArchitect (0)
This review is complete rubbish.

1) There are only 4 DVD videos on the entire site. All other videos and photos are 100% exclusive and shot by myself, and I continue to shoot for it. To insinuate that my content may have been obtained illegally is insulting and it shows your true lack of knowledge in the niche. If you knew anything at all you would know to check the EXIF data on the pics to see when they were shot, and that would put an end to your "the updates are fake" theory.

2) The site updates like clockwork. Your libelous statements about it being "deceptive" and not updating is a flat out lie.

3) There is nothing deceptive about the site. You get EXACTLY what we promise you on the tour. There is no "selling the sizzle" and not delivering. You see the tour, you get that content inside. That's how it works. Did you expect the Paris Hilton sex tape inside? Look at the tour, that's what you get. If you don't like the content on the tour, don't join the site.

4) The owners are being "deceptive" how exactly? You are the one who is giving false information in your review. We give the customer everything we advertise and help any customer who has issues, usually within just a few hours or less.

5) Please send me your username, I want to check my logs to see if you even logged in more than once. Based on your review, there is a good chance you didn't. In regards to cams not showing up, that sounds more like a browser or java issue, as you already stated you had issues with Aurora. We use the same cam networks everyone else uses, so there should not be any issues.

I don't know who you are, who you work for, or what beef you've had with me elsewhere, but this review is one false statement after another. It is one thing to not like the content, or even give us a low score, that is fair and we'll take our true number as it is deserved, but to write the lies you have is unprofessional and damaging.

Yes, we're a small site, but we're honest. It's not easy to obtain this content LEGALLY (and that's the only way we get it), so we don't have tons of it. But we do give you everything we promise on the tour, and some more, as we are shooting regularly to build the site.

Any member who joins any of our sites and has problems or questions can contact us at any time, we're there for you. If you find what this knucklehead said to be true about the site not updating or showing stolen content, we'll refund your money.

12-08-11  08:29am

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Watson (0) REPLY TO #2 - TheArchitect :

I am, dear reader, still awaiting "Cassies first hardcore shoot" which had *just* been shot. That is something I was/am still awaiting (having been a member now for months, its not even a pending update). I have logged in regularly since joining, and am still a member therefore I do not feel like informing the owner of my username. I do not "Work" for anybody in the "Industry". As it happens I am a private person who likes BBW, and particularly Asian ones: I like the content, that isnt my beef. I am not getting anything for my thoughts, therefore I call 'em as I see 'em.

Browser issues (happy to use IE), and cam issues (who joins a niche site to Cam when its the same site that everyone else uses?) aside. I did not insinuate that the DVD material was obtained illegally as I never questioned the legal ownership of the material. As to checking the EXIF info - Most were modified 1 year ago (Jan-Nov '10), *some* "recent" updates were modified in 13-Aug to 19-Oct 2011 (still three months old for the most recent). Big gap.

As to deceptiveness: I saw the material (available ON the site AT *my* INITIAL membership, and over the course of the first month or so) in the early months of THIS, 2011, calendar year in a LEGAL collection obtained from the site. (It was this material, WHICH ENCOURAGED ME TO JOIN.)

Now, dear reader, I do not question the difficulty of aquiring the material legally I am simply suggesting that: IF MY FRIEND'S legal collection from quite a few months ago contained all the material available 1-2 months in (length of his stay), AND material found IN his collection included material listed as a "Future Update" AT MY initial date of sign up (much later than his), THEN the material is not IN FACT "new" or an "update" when the his collection existed months prior to my joining. This is what I suggest is deceptive. Particularly taken with the EXIF data in MOST (not all) of the photo zips dating them back to 2010.

I do not question that the owner/poster shot the material himself. I do not suggest that he has collected the material Illegally. I also understand that the site is small and in a niche of which there are almost no sites save a few irritatingly censored ones in Japan. But there are an awful lot of suggested "play video" buttons on the hardcore/softcore pics (~60 total, and second reason why I joined) on the tour as compared to the actual 24 vids + 49 photo sets (as at 9/12/2011) on site. I call that selling a "Sizzle" not a sausage (9 "sausages" to be precise, of which 4 were DVD material that I already owned).

My beef is that I saw the material available AT MY Signup *months* before I joined, in a legal collection belonging to a friend. I like the content. I want more of it. And I am prepared to wait. However I do not like feeling like I have signed up to a site where there are a tonne of "videos/play nows" that dont exist, and a bunch of updates I have already seen at a friends place months prior.


12-08-11  12:06pm

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