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Visit Viv Thomas

Viv Thomas (0)

tangub (0) 10-23-11  02:43am
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Half price rugby world cup offer this weekend only

Found an email advertising a half price offer this weekend only at Viv Thomas. I originally wrote a comment about this because i wasn't seeing the half price deal on the sign up page but i've since discovered you have to click the banner on the sign up page to get the special offer price.

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rearadmiral (0) Is it possible that this is discount for Europeans only? I searched the site for 10 minutes, and followed your instructions too, and I don't see a discount. I've been thinking of taking a chance on this site since it really isn't what I look for but it looks good - and a 50% discount had me sitting here with my credit card realy to buy.

I'll keep looking, but there is no banner for a discount on the sign-up page that I can see. :-(

10-23-11  07:01am

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tangub (0) REPLY TO #1 - rearadmiral :

I guess it is possible it's either only for Europeans or even only for former members if you're not seeing it on the website. I just clicked on the link in the email and it still took me ages to figure out where to find the discount price. For me it goes to VXS billing charged in British Pounds so don't know whether it would be the same for you over there.
10-23-11  07:10am

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rearadmiral (0) REPLY TO #2 - tangub :

After I posted that the possibility crossed my mind that it could be for former members since you got an email telling you about it. I get emails from Kink.com with offers that specifically mention that the offer is for former members. Other sites do that too, so that's probably the most likely reason. I think it was Ed (a webmaster who posts here frequently) who wrote that his experience is that discounts don't work. They work on me though. A half price membership to try a site that I have some interest in would be an instant sign-up. I sent a question to their help desk... I wonder if they'll make the offer anyway... It doesn't hurt to try!

Thanks for the reply - and the tip!

10-23-11  07:15am

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Nick Spillum (0)
REPLY TO #1 - rearadmiral :

Hi guys,

This offer was a 48 hour time limited offer and started early Saturday morning European time and ended Sunday night European time. Maybe you weren't seeing the banner because of the time difference when you looked, but the offer was open to the entire world.

Just a little secret, especially for you guys, we'll be doing something similar for Halloween. I'll make the banner and the whole special offer much clearer, as I see you seemed to have a problem finding it.


10-24-11  12:45am

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rearadmiral (0) REPLY TO #4 - Nick Spillum :

Thanks for the information. I'll check back around Halloween.
10-24-11  04:09am

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