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rearadmiral (0)
I'll add that the 'day' is measured in a European time zone, so you may want to take advantage of this now rather than later today in the North American zone. I lost out on the World Cup offer due to this timing issue.
10-31-11 03:57am
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rearadmiral (0)
As with the World Cup discount, the link to take advantage of the discount well hidden. I'll keep looking, but for now this seems to be more trick than treat. There is a huge ad for the offer on the main page, but clicking any link to join takes you to the main page where you can join for the $19.95 TBP price or the "Special Visa Offer" of $24.95.
I've tried every obvious way to locate the discount, including the pull-down menus on the join page but I can't find it. And since by the time I get home from work the offer will be gone I can't take advantage of it.
Why make it so difficult??????
10-31-11 04:05am
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tangub (0)
REPLY TO #2 - rearadmiral :
There's certainly something weird going on here. I visited the site from my saved bookmark earlier and got the half price join offer up no problem, now since i visited the site using the PU link all i get up is the TBP/PU price. I tried clearing my cache and cookies and then typed vivthomas directly into the browser but still i'm getting the TBP/PU price come up even without linking from here. I had the same problem with the world cup offer, i was trying for ages to find the special offer price on my laptop without success then later on i visited the site from an old bookmark on my pc and got the offer price up straight away.
10-31-11 05:00am
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Nick Spillum (0) Webmaster
REPLY TO #3 - tangub :
Hi guys, your problems are indeed cookies. As you may know, we have a special from The Best Porn and if you come from that link it will write a cookie sending you to the 19.95 offer.
Delete all your cookies and clear the cache and type in - you should be able to follow the link to the special offer.
It's the easiest thing in the world if you hadn't been a Best Porn fan :))
10-31-11 06:33am
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rearadmiral (0)
REPLY TO #3 - tangub :
Thanks for the update. Based on what you were seeing I logged on to the site directly using my iPad and I was given the discount offer. The offer isn't exactly a 50% discount because it is only offered in Euros so it doesn't convert to half. But a discount is a discount and I appreciate it. I cleared my history on my PC and entered the site directly and there was the offer. So I signed up. These types of sites are not normally what I'm interested in, but most people seem to like it so I'll try it at the discounted price.
All that to say that DO NOT ENTER VIV THOMAS THROUGH TBP/PU or you won't see the discount offer. If you have, clear your history and you should be okay.
I'm not tech-savvy enough to explain what you're experiencing, tangub, but is it possible you haven't clicked off all the possible boxes for clearing your history and some category is remaining behind?
10-31-11 08:46am
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tangub (0)
REPLY TO #5 - rearadmiral :
Oh it's not a problem as i signed up last weekend during the rugby offer but i had the same sort of hassle as you trying to get the offer price to display. I was just trying to figure out if it was a cookie problem which seems to be the case. I'm surprised you get priced in euros from Canada though. For me the offer price was in British pounds, £9.95 (around $16 USD) instead of the usual £19.95, as you say slightly more than the dollar price displayed on TBP/PU but still an offer.
10-31-11 09:30am
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rearadmiral (0)
REPLY TO #6 - tangub :
I ended up paying about $14CDN which still isn't bad. Maybe the site owners figure that since they give a TBP discount already that there is no need to offer a further discount. But it could just be a technical glitch too.
Oops... I should have read the whole thread of comments since the webmaster replied...
I'm looking forward to spending some time at this site. It isn't my normal kind of site but neither was Young Legal Porn and the related sites and I found those to be among the best I've ever had a membership to.
10-31-11 02:00pm
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