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slategrey (0) 11-19-11  12:30pm
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A trial not worth having. Went to site and seen the big flashing lights of the new 1.99 trial so i gave it a shot. Well you get to view 3 scenes (video and pic set)from the site and that's all. Anything else you click on will ask you to upgrade. I wouldn't of mind if the 3 scenes were very good ones(it is a trial after all) but the scenes were average in my opinion. Wish I had a flux capacitor to do a redo.

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Msg # User Message Date


pat362 (0) My rule of thumb is that unless TBP says what you get with the trial then it's almost never worth it. This is especially true when sites are on the expensive side like this one. I really like some of the content these guys do but I only join about once a year because it's so expensive.
11-20-11  11:20am

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slategrey (0) REPLY TO #1 - pat362 :

Thats usually my rule of thumb also. But for some reason the 1.99 price tag that followed u every time you scroll down sucked me in. Hopefully never again.
11-20-11  01:52pm

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pat362 (0) REPLY TO #2 - slategrey :

A quick word of warning if you ever get an offer from them that says access for 19.99$. Be very careful because that could be a 3 month access for $19.99 per month so it's really a 60$ charge That's not a bad deal at all but only if you enjoy all their updates since you only get one update per week and not all their sites still update. I'm a past member and I got that offer at least once or twice but I quickly realised that they weren't talking about a month membership.

I think I've only taken a 1$ trial once for a site that I no longer remember and I got burned just like you.

11-20-11  06:30pm

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slategrey (0) REPLY TO #3 - pat362 :

Thanks for the heads up
11-21-11  01:21am

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marcdc1 (0) Still looks like it might be a good investment if you plan on doing a month, getting what you want and canceling after that. Maybe I'm just old, but I compare what I'm getting to what I would have bought a DVD for. $30 for all this would be way more than ever would have been packed onto a DVD.

Am I stuck in the 90s and need to rethink my cost-benefit analysis?

07-30-12  05:44am

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slategrey (0) REPLY TO #5 - marcdc1 :

I once signed up for the month membership and it wasn't so bad, the only problems i had with the site is i wished the video quality was just a little bit more sharper and the navigation was better. And it offers a ton more content for 30 dollars then someone will ever get from dvds, but when when you compare it to other sites i think its bout 5 dollars over priced. All being said very good site and network ton of content.
07-30-12  11:07am

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marcdc1 (0) REPLY TO #6 - slategrey :

I agree I'd like to see the price come down a little too. How long ago were you a member. I know their sister sites are shooting in HD, I figured this site would be too.

Anyone know the quality these days?

07-30-12  11:24am

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slategrey (0) REPLY TO #7 - marcdc1 :

Was a member like 5 months ago and quality is in hd for this site and mostly all the other sites on the network. Its just the dogfart network as a whole wasnt as sharp as some of the other sites that i have been a part of. Would give video quality like a 7 out of 10.Very good not great or excellent.
07-30-12  11:36am

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marcdc1 (0) REPLY TO #8 - slategrey :

Ok. Thanks for that. It looks so good to me I think it's a sign that I need a new monitor. :)

I won't even say how old my set up is.

07-30-12  11:43am

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