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xexbot (0) 01-04-12  07:24am
Rookie Badge  Top Monthly User TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: SO much content! Very well organized into niches and sub-categories. A wide range of content here. I have personally found just about everything here niche/fetish-wise. Videobox seems hellbent on trying to offer at least a little bit of everything.

They offer five add-on sites that can extend your choices pretty greatly. Kink.com is the smallest, but probably the best deal if you know how much fetish sites usually cost and offering much less content than mainstreams sites.

What's cool about the add-ons is that they prorate them as the month goes on. So, you can just wait till the last week and pick up the add-ons for a few dollars, then cancel them before the next billing cycle. Cancellation is a breeze and you can do it all from within the main site.

Video quality and database is amazing. Just pick what you want. Streams really well too. IT has drastically cut down on how much I actually download. It allows you to mark favs, save stars, etc. all on line.
Cons: It will be easier to just explain what you won't find a lot of. Anything missing from the regular site may be picked up for added charges. If you want gay and bisexual stuff you are pretty much out of luck. There's a great deal of femdom, but cuckold, for example, is pretty rare at Videobox. However, you can join their affiliate for an added fee and get access to Kink.com vids. So, that's cool. There are also some other affiliates that you can add on such as Vivid, Evil Angel, etc. So, in all you can pretty much cover every niche. For gay videos you have to join Videobox Men, which is a separate site.

That's my only complaint is that you pretty much dealing with mainstream stuff, but buried within is the fetish stuff you may be craving.
Bottom Line: Cent for cent the best deal on the net. You really can beat the selection and functionality. They even give you a mobile membership. If you are going to spend money every month this is how you need to do it.

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Review Replies (1)

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Msg # User Message Date


BradlyH (Disabled) Another nice review, I find that a site with a lot of content better be Organized, if not it is one hell of a navigating nightmare !

You should elaborate a little bit more in your Bottom line section, maybe put things in there that you think other members would be interested in knowing with out actually visiting the site, such as: Pricing, the billing company, What players run the videos, How often is it updated, file sizes ect...

01-08-12  06:08pm

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