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RagingBuddhist (0) 01-14-12  09:32am
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A few points

Since I'm currently on the site, I was going to do a review until I saw exotic's exceptional wrap up. Instead of mirroring just about everything he said, I'll just add a couple of things as I see 'em.

I agree with everything he said except about the video quality. With maybe a few exceptions, where the camera work is less than ideal, you have to go back to somewhere to late 2009 to get to the lower quality, lower resolution video. Even if you want to avoid the older stuff, that means there's still enough higher resolution material to make a sign-up worthwhile. I'm more than happy with the picture quality of the 1280 resolution mp4s that I download, even on a 40 inch monitor.

The picture quality is another story. I get the feeling that there's very little reviewing of pictures before they're put online. Even in the newer sets, there are more than enough out of focus shots and oddities like what I'd call "mid-blink facial contortions" to make this a disappointment to picture fans.

The biggest complaint I have about this site has to do with the updates. It's a masturbation site and that's what I expect to see when I sign up. As an example, the updates from January 3rd to the 6th were, in order, a non-nude interview, a text biography, a 35-second face only clip, and a 9-picture non-nude picture set. Looking back through December's updates, there were 11 that were either interviews or biographies. That's a third of a month's membership.

OK - Even though I'm not a fan of non-nude content, I can accept that there are people who can appreciate interviews. But, the biographies? Yeah, some of the stuff the women put up was interesting, and I was positively thrilled to find out how many models had barely intelligible handwriting and couldn't spell worth a damn. "The vibrator is the best, it is a way better organism." But, on every other site with personal information like that, it's either a link on a model's page or printed directly on her page. I just don't see nineteen questions spread out over four pages qualifying as update material.

It's still all about the amateurs to me, so I still like the site, despite the shortcomings. I'd rate it in the high 80s. The piercings and tattoos aren't TOO overbearing, and silicone is rare here. I just wish I could get more out of a month's membership. The bios and interviews just mean I have to wait a little while longer to sign up again as the REAL content builds up.

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