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Visit Dancing Bear

Dancing Bear (0)

qted (0) 02-04-12  05:56am
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Downloads or not

As a past member of Dancing Bear, I read with interest Maggie's review (TBP) of this site on 1st February 2012.She mentions in the review,almost casually ,"and downloading as wmvs and mp4s in four different sizes".Through my experience,and as the above comments will attest, this site did not allow downloads in it's formative years.If,in fact Dancing Bear now permits downloads, I feel that as a porn review site TBP,should make it very clear that even though this site did not originally allow downloads,they now do allow them.While this may appear slightly trivial,as a porn user,and I am sure many will concur,I will not join a site that does not allow downloads.Also,as a frequent visitor to the TBP site and admirer of their reviews,I have been waiting for a review of Dancing Bear's "sister" site Horny Birds.The review was scheduled for 26th January 2012,but TBP have had trouble accessing the site.I will be very interested to see if they now allow downloads.I am not a great believer in what I read on website join-up pages,hence my need to read clear,informative and accurate reviews and user comments from TBP and Porn Users.

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Khan (Suspended) I asked one of the editors to double check for the downloads and she said Dancing Bear *does* have downloads available in several formats. They have options to download full movies or short "chapters".

Note that this is with the full membership. It's likely that the limited trial would not allow downloads.

Hope that helps.

02-04-12  08:24am

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qted (0) REPLY TO #1 - Khan :

Thank you,for your reply. It is good to know that Dancing Bear now do allow downloads. However,as previous comments concerning Dancing Bear will testify, they formerly did not allow downloads,even with full membership.
02-04-12  09:35am

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exotics4me (0) I'm going to add here that I got Dancing Bear with the Bangbros Superpack and it does allow downloads.

I started with the oldest scenes since I wanted to make sure it wasn't just downloads on the newest scenes. All of the scenes I have tried so far allow downloads. The only problem I've had is that the wmv link is dead on all of them. You can still download the .mp4 small or .mp4 medium file for each though and the medium is a good DVD quality 640x480 on the oldest videos. You can also download the pictures and screenshots in zips. The superpack deal to me is the best way to go since you can add it to your bangbros subscription for $24.95, the price of Dancing Bear by itself. The superpack also includes My GF, College Rules and CFNM Show.

It does look like Dancing Bear, My GF and College Rules are all still updating too. I'm not for sure when they started allowing downloads, but I will add to Khan's post and say they do allow them now.

03-05-12  01:46pm

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