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PinkPanther (0) 04-22-12  09:27am
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Are They Even Trying Any More?

This site USED to have some of the most unique content on the internet - shot-on-location craziness with gorgeous women with perfect bods being pursued by evil prison guards or zombies or whatever and fighting back with martial arts or big guns. Then they did some really wonderful surreal stuff with Susana Spears as a drunk Super-woman and other such stuff.

At a certain point, they started licensing material and throwing it up as "ActionGirls Recruits", which was fine as a supplement to their original material, but now they seem to have gone the "Babelicious" route where it's just "Throw Something Up As An Update And Call It A Day".

Where once this site was doing some of the most original material on the internet, that seems to be all in the past. What original vids they do now could have been done by Playboy or any paint-by-numbers "erotic vid" site. And they have even stopped regular posting of those. The most original stuff they do now is shoot girls against weird blurry backgrounds and call them "jungle" shoots, etc.

Sad, sad, sad.

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Msg # User Message Date


exotics4me (0) I had all but forgotten about this site. I joined it years ago just for the Veronika Zemanova sets they had. It is a shame they are disappearing, they had some of the best built and in shape models in the porn world on their site. Never understood why, but I always liked the camo with big guns sets, maybe it was the poses those style of sets required.
04-23-12  11:42pm

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PinkPanther (0) REPLY TO #1 - exotics4me :

They used great models, the pics were really well done, well photographed and all that and they had great fantasy set-ups.

Now it's all slap-dash stuff - nowhere near the creativity and thought and energy put into it as there used to be.

04-24-12  11:47pm

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