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sonofzog (0) 04-22-12  04:30pm
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Vivid channel

My primary interest at Video Box are the Classics (hey, I'm old). After I joined (for $12!) I discovered that the movies I most wanted are all Vivid and only available with an additional subscription. It's not a lot of money, and I can certainly pick up all that I want in a single month, but still it's irritating.

And, unless someone can tell me differently, it seems impossible to d/l an entire film in one piece.

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exotics4me (0) I too like some older porn, just not too old, but the 90s, especially late 90s that Vivid did so well. The channel is worth the price easily. I would even say the Vivid channel on VB is as good or better than the Vivid website. Also note that the price of it should be prorated. I think it's $15 if you add it on the first day of your VB membership, but if you wait until say the 15th day of your membership to VB to add Vivid, it should only be $7.50.

When you say an entire film do you mean an entire scene or entire DVD? I have complained about them not having a full DVD download link, but I don't think they ever will. Sadly, there was a DVD site, American Vice, that did allow full DVD downloads, but they disappeared a year or so ago.

04-22-12  06:05pm

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sonofzog (0) REPLY TO #1 - exotics4me :

Thanks for the feedback. No doubt I will spring for Vivid and would never have guessed about the pro-rating. And, yeah, I meant an entire film. The pieces are ridiculously fast to download and an entire DVD can't take long at all. Ah, well, it's great to see Ginger's furry little muffin once again.
04-23-12  06:36am

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