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Visit Next Door Nikki

Next Door Nikki (0)

xexbot (0) 05-20-12  01:57pm
Rookie Badge  Top Monthly User TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Was a member approx. 3 months prior to this review.
Pros: It's NDN, and at one point she was, and I would argue still is, one of the hottest women on the internet.

Tons of access to Nikki's life. Yes, I know it sounds cheesy, but just wait till you get to jack off to somebody whose blogs you have been reading for over a month.

Occasionally Nikki will go further than her usual softcore stff. It won't be triple "X" (XXX), but it does get into the single "X" region.

It's NDN. Have I mentioned this before?

Limited nudity. I personally find it incredibly sexy when I'm dying to see more.... and I don't.She's the kind of girl that makes you want to go and just pound one out fully clothed, let alone after she starts teasing.

Probably one of the most perfect bodies in creation.

You get to see some of her friends too, and they get a little more risque than Nikki. So you will get some full on masturbation, fully nude stripping on the site.

Live shows are great, and this is often where you get to see the most of Nikki. Lotsa nipple slips!
Cons: Very little beyond R-rated softcore stuff. If you want more than stripping, and never seeing her nipples, then move on.

A lot of the same stuff, just different costumes.

Her friends stuff is basically trying to get you to join their sites.

Very expensive.

Limited video qualities.

Some videos are just flat out pointless.

Download limits. They don't have enough videos to let people download them more than 5gb a day, and they're pretty big videos.
Bottom Line: It's Next Door Nikki for crying out loud. Either you have obsessed and poured over the internet looking for that one video where she actually fucks someone ore gets totally naked, or you could care less and have no idea who I am talking about.

NDN is an internet sensation primarily because she has never gone fully porn with her career. She is basically a stripper, and one who works in an area where pasties are required. Or, maybe she just likes keeping every guy hoping and dreaming. Either way, I find it very erotic and very exciting. She always brings you right to the edge of being pornographic, but then cuts you off. It can be kind of torturous, very teasing, but for some of us, that is often more stimulating than, as someone else put it here, the "gynecological closeups" of full frontals.

The problems with the site will be overlooked by most fans, because most people joining are niche fans of a specific star who is, in this case, known for being a bit of a cock-tease.

The main drawback is the price versus the amount of content. This is primarily the Phil-Flash materials, and not the entire cadre of NDN's work (there was an old site that is no longer in operation). With the download limit in place, you can still manage to download most of this site in a month.

Why an 85? Because it's NDN. She's will always be above an 80 in my book. She could get into the 90 region if she would figure out a way to feature more people who are willing to go at least XX, and at some point she is either going to have to fuck somebody on screen, or risk losing her career to age.

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Msg # User Message Date


Khan (Suspended) Are you sure this is the site you meant to review? I ask because some of your remarks sound like thsy might apply better to Nikki's Playmates
05-20-12  02:27pm

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