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Visit Teen Flood

Teen Flood (0)

Denner (0) 08-22-07  09:49am
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: Very large amount af photos with zip (the best thing about this site)

Average/good amount of videos - few new ones
Cons: Old videos mostly
Majority of videos very bad quality
Newer videos are too few

Photos are mostly old ones and aparantly non exclusive

Some videos I've seen elsewhere

Bad navigation/design

High price for old archived stuff
Bottom Line: This site needs serious a new review at TBP. Please friend at TBP take a good look again!!!
An official point of 86,9 seems outrageous after modern standard for pornsites.
But ok, I can see TBP review is from march 2004 - that might explain things.

This site has probably the worst navigation and design I've seen lately - it looks like something from the 1990th.

Ok they have zip for photos and wmv-download for videos.
But the quality is a laughter. One thing the huge amount of content can not compensate for.
I found SOME good videos - mayby 5 or 6 - in good quality and some sexy ones.
But the vast majority of videos are either bad, very bad in quality or directly boring.
The worse part for me is the blurred and extremly low quality of most of the videos.

Ok, I found SOME very sexy photos of some very sexy easteuropean girls I've not seen before, but thats it!

I won't be back again.
Save your money - just take a look at their previews! It's not much - but it's what you get: NOT MUCH - in quality.
These people seems to make their money by collecting OLD stuff from elsewhere.
And if some webmaster from Teen Flood says otherwise - I know several sites with most of the content from Teen Flood.
Maybe some of it is exclusive - I just wonder which part.
I might get "my ass whipped" from Teen Flood for this, but that's what this PU is about: Help your fellow users.

Still a member - and TeenFlood put some new videos up. At first they looked good - content-wise.
But the quality of these new videos are - mildly put - worse than ever.
From a users point of view: TeenFlood, goodbye!

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Review Replies (3)

Replies to the user review above.

Msg # User Message Date


PinkPanther (0) Thanks, Denner. I was a member briefly quite a while ago - wasn't thrilled, but have thought about joining again every once in a while - I appreciate the reality check.
08-22-07  05:57pm

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Denner (0) REPLY TO #1 - PinkPanther :

Glad that it was of some help - think you too will be disapointed if you spend $30 on this one....
08-23-07  02:37am

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jd1961 (0) I think you're right--I just finished a membership here today. In 1999, this would be a great site, but in 2008? Needs a serious updating to regain it's former glory. Although I enjoyed the extra site, Teen Eva!
01-04-08  10:42am

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