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Visit Elegant Angel

Elegant Angel (0)

hodayathink (0) 06-11-12  11:47pm
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Status: Was a member approx. 1 month prior to this review.
Pros: -Good amount of scenes (1900+)

-Multiple download resolution options (HD, SD, mobile)

-Very high quality content

-Some good scene/actress filtering options (though some don't work as well as they could)
Cons: -Small amount of picture sets (130+), resolution of pics not very high

-Can go decently long periods of time without any updates

-Some DVDs they have released are not on the site (even recent ones)

-Navigation can take getting used to
Bottom Line: The first thing I'm going to talk about is the actual content on the site. Elegant Angel has been around as a DVD company for over 20 years, and for at least the past 5-6 have been one of my favorite DVD companies in American porn. They shoot with the best girls and the best guys, and get many of those girls to do things for them that they had never done with any other company. Every year, they get 'first' scenes from some of the biggest girls in the industry. Their directors are all top notch, and none of their scenes that I've watched have felt over or under-produced. As far as just the quality of the scenes on the site, I'd honestly place them as probably my favorite website that I've ever joined. But content isn't the only thing that determines how good a site is to me.

At the moment, the site has over 1900 videos, which is a pretty nice amount. The movies seem to take about a month between when they are released on DVD and when they begin to be uploaded to the site. The movies go back to as far as the mid 2000s. This is nice, but Elegant Angel started producing movies in 1990. There's no videos from their truly early days, which is understandable, but it would be really nice if they had some of it. When you get to the middle of last decade, they have most of the scenes from their bigger series, but not all of them. For example, they don't have Lauren Phoenix's Buttwoman movie from 2004, even though they have movies from earlier than that posted. This is a little disappointing, but still understandable. What isn't understandable is that there's movies that they've released this year that aren't up on their site. They released Anal Students in January, yet it is nowhere to be found. Thankfully, there aren't very many examples of this, but the fact that there are any, especially from movies released in the past 6 months, is very disappointing. And even more disappointing than that was that the updates weren't consistent. For about 2 weeks during my time as a member, there wasn't a single solitary update that wasn't just a compilation from other scenes they'd already released on the site. I know that they don't actually release enough new DVDs to fill up a whole month of updates, but with the mention I made earlier of movies from their back catalog that they haven't uploaded yet, they could easily fill gapes like that with older scenes (which they do seem to have done in other instances, including over the past week or so).

The site can take a little time to get used to navigating, but not much. All of your typical sorting and tagging is there (by male or female talent, by sex act [anal, interracial, etc.]). There are also a few that aren't so common. You can filter the girls by their countries of origin or ethnicity (so only American girls, or only Asian girls). It's something that could has potential, but there are some glaring bugs For example, it goes by country of birth and not place of primary residence, so you'll see some girls that were raised American listed as, say, German because they were born in Germany. And there's no way to look by continent (so, say, all European or South American performers). You can also view scenes by DVD, and DVDs by series (i.e. Big Wet Asses), both of which came in handy many times for me.

When viewing the scenes, there are a couple of different options. They have your typical file formats and resolutions (1080p, 720p, standard def, and mobile device). All are mp4 downloads. They also have a feature that I didn't realize how much I liked until recently, which is a set of small thumbnails that, when clicked, take you directly to that point in the scene. The scenes have screencaps that can be downloaded as a zip file, but the resolution isn't very high (720 by 480). Other than the screencaps, there are no real picture sets for each scene. The site does have a separate area for pure picture sets, but these sets are very small (usually 5-10 pics), the resolution is good but not great (1280 by 720) and there's only about 130 sets.

Most of my issues with this site are easily fixable. They have enough content (in theory) to be able to fill the gaps in their schedule and make their updates more consistent. The navigation could be improved easily, and probably without redesigning the site that much. In the end, though I don't have that much experience with these types of sites, most of them seem to basically just be a function of this being a company who puts their DVD business first and their internet business very clearly second. If they were to focus their attention on their site, I think it could probably become a site that I stay a member of for a long time. Right now, though, it's just a site that I'll join every few months.

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Review Replies (4)

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Msg # User Message Date


pat362 (0) Thank You for the review.

I also really like the stuff Elegant does but the fact that they don't offer their early movies is a major con for me. I much prefer their older content to the newer stuff. I suspect that most of those older titles may not belong to them because they are owned by the director who filmed it. At least that's the only reason i can see why they wouldn't use their older library to fill the site and add to their traffic.

I'm sure that I'm not the only person who would love to see those older titles. Mind you Evil Angel does the same thing because they also don't offer most of their older titles and the quality for those is not very good when they do.

06-12-12  05:47am

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Gazette Risque (0) I also love Elegant Angel but I have to agree that the fact that the older stuff isn't offered on the site is somewhat of a con.

Other than that I always enjoy spending time with Elegant Angel.

06-12-12  06:13am

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hodayathink (0) REPLY TO #1 - pat362 :

The quality part I can understand. You can't magically make content shot in 2004 HD when no one was shooting in HD at the time. And most of the stuff that old is probably just ripped from the DVD. I'd just like to see it there. But as I stated in the review, I looked again this week and they were uploading a movie they released in like 2001, so it looks like they might be starting to go a little further back.
06-14-12  09:46pm

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pat362 (0) REPLY TO #3 - hodayathink :

I'm not a huge fan of HD in the first place so videos in 540p would be more than acceptable to me. Uplaoding some stuff done in early 2000 is a nice step forward but I want to see the stuff they did in the 90's a lot more because that's the stuff that is often no longer available anywhere except on streamin only sites.

Mind you Elegant isn't the only studio who have incredible amounts of content done in the 90's that's no longer available. It's just that this is the stuff that I liked.

06-15-12  05:20am

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