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Keep it up (0) 06-29-12  06:54am
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I don't understand it ?

I have joined many of the company's sites at KINK.COM.
But for some reason when I joined this last one Sex and Submissive Woman after 5 days they will not let me login in any more nor will they reply to any of my emails.
So how does one cancel a membership if you can not log in and cancel it.
I now have to cancel my credit card , very unprofessional and they will never see me back.
Be careful of this group !!!!

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pat362 (0) Sorry but I have to call BS on your comment. I'm a current member of 3 Kink sites and I have tried most of their sites over the years and I've never encountered your problem. Not too mention that if you're a past member of any Kink site then you should be able to log in to any of them. It's just that you'll have to join the site if you want to download the content.
06-29-12  06:45pm

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rearadmiral (0) I have to weigh in with pat on this. If Kink isn't THE most reputable adult group on the internet then they're in the top three. My experience is that that always respond to emails. Be patient and I'm confident that the issue will get resolved.
06-29-12  08:28pm

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Ergo Proxy (0) I agree with the above two comments. Don't be hasty and cancel your credit card yet. That's the last resort.
06-30-12  12:33am

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Keep it up (0) REPLY TO #1 - pat362 :

Interesting analogy with the term BS. Yes I too have had many memberships with them over the years.
That is the very reason I started with the heading in my thread.
Your the one with the BS ideas as I still cannot login with any of my past user names or passwords.

My last email to them was this morning and still no reply.
Thanks to the other members helpful reply s in this thread though.

06-30-12  03:52am

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pat362 (0) REPLY TO #4 - Keep it up :

I'm sorry for the BS comment. If you had not mentioned the part about being careful of them then I probably wouldn't have been as hard but there are very few companies that I'll defend and Kink is definetely at the top.

I have never had one incident with them in the last 6-7 years and I've never heard of anyone else having an issue. If you joined recently then through which CC processor did you go through? They have made some recent changes so did you inquire with them instead of checking with Kink? My most recent Kink membership was through Epoch so if I hve a log in issue then i would inquire with them if i can't contact Kink directly.

06-30-12  11:33am

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