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Visit Bangbros Network

Bangbros Network (0)

2 Free K (0) 06-30-12  11:56am
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Doesn't seem as good anymore.

I've been an on-and-off visitor of Bangbros since about 2005. I've never thought it was perfect (too many dudes mugging for the camera), but I always came back for the bottom line - BEAUTIFUL GIRLS GETTING NASTY. It was a great website for seeing beautiful, everyday chicks getting fucked dirty.

But lately when I follow the updates, I see little reason to join. Most of the girls look like nightclub hoes or strippers. There are too many fake tits. The few sites that were still bringing in cute chicks, like Facial Fest, seem to have stopped updating. Plus, these guys couldn't find a real MILF if their lives depended on it. All the mature ladies look like mid-life crisis strippers.

The network looks like a cheezy rap video now (that applies to all the races - white, black, latina, etc). I know it was always fake, but I miss the days when the chicks actually looked like coeds. :(

Maybe it's a Miami thing? Sigh.

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2 Free K (0) Another thing: hard drives keep getting larger and larger, and cheaper and cheaper. So why do I download less and less each time I join Bangbros?
06-30-12  11:59am

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joekramer08 (0) REPLY TO #1 - 2 Free K :

I agree. I really don't like many of the girls in American porn anymore - too many tattoos, breast implants, lip injections, fat asses, and women in their mid 30's.

I have moved to mostly European sites like Try Teens. These Euro sites have beautiful, natural looking girls who are 18-20 years old.

06-30-12  10:20pm

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pat362 (0) I did a recent review of the site and I didn't notice all those negative things like you did. Is it possible that your taste may no longer be compatible with a lot of the porn made today. Performers without breast implants is starting to be a rarity and if you couple that with girls without tattoos then the list gets is tiny. A lot of their models are East Coast girls since they shoot out of Miami and they also seem to have a lot of one time girls who shoot only for them and then disapear from the porn world.

I agree with you that their irrational desire to concentrate on the male makes very little sense since guys watch porn for the hot girls first. I think the male is important because a scene will be just as ruined if I don't like the male performer but these guys have always seemed to think that the guy should be the center of the action and of course all the talking does not help either. Now I'm very selective in what I download so maybe I didn't donwload any scenes like the ones you are describing

07-01-12  09:23am

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2 Free K (0) REPLY TO #3 - pat362 :

Yeah, I've wondered if it's me, but I still like a lot of other sites I discovered around the same time, such as Amateur Allure and MyXXXPass. I don't mind tats, but I hate silicone tits. But even the chicks with natural boobs bore me at BangBros. All the chicks look the same: long-ass hair, fat ass, big tits, cheesy sunglasses, and usually too tan. It's like a haven for Jersey Shore rejects. I see these girls and I instantly think "LETS DO BODY SHOTS - WOOOOO!!!"

The increased presence of 'BangBros Remastered' clips is suspicious, and I can't even keep up with their new sites. WTF is Chongas and Pawg all about? Why have all these sites, but rarely update them. These guys were once key players, but nowadays, they might as well be PornPros.com (no offense to PornPros).

I'm glad I'm not alone regarding the excess focus on the guys, though. That was the worst part about Bang Bus, especially. You'll be watching a hot chick getting f--ked, and then the camera guy will suddenly zoom to Ramon's ugly ass face grinning at you. Who f--- wants to see that when they're about to nut??

07-01-12  11:04am

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2 Free K (0) REPLY TO #2 - joekramer08 :

I've been meaning to check out Try Teens and its sister sites for a while now. I'm typically not even a fan of Euro porn, but that site struck me as exceptional.

I've been curious to try ExploitedCollegeGirls for some nice American girl debauchery, but I can't bring myself to pay that guy $35. BackroomCastingCouch is only $25, though. Both sites seem to cast American girls that don't look like blow-up dolls.

07-01-12  11:14am

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pat362 (0) REPLY TO #4 - 2 Free K :

The porn industry is in such dire trouble that anyone who updates on a more or less daily schedule is still way ahead of most other sites ort network. I don't really mind their remastering of older content because that is often something that members would like sites to do with their older videos. The fact that it's still a very small part of their newer content is a plus. I also enjoy that unlike other sites. They don't pass off those old scenes as brand new stuff but state that it's aremastered scene.

I can't remember if I read it here or on another forum but someone else mentioned all the names changes of their sites. I don't pay attention to that because I always stick with the main one and simply download the videos I like.

I'm not a big fan of implants but as long as they aren't gigantic melons then I'm learning to be more understanding with performers who choose that path. I can take I'd prefer if they didn't get them but it's the reality for so many porn performers that you either learn to be leniant or you stop watching most American porn.

07-01-12  11:18am

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2 Free K (0) REPLY TO #6 - pat362 :

That's a very good point about their honesty with the remastered video. I overlooked that. It's always pitiful finding an newly-featured update that you downloaded two years prior! I respect Bangbros for not doing that sort of thing.
07-03-12  12:07am

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pat362 (0) REPLY TO #7 - 2 Free K :

Never join DDF network because they are the worse at doing that. They've been using content from one site to update another one for years. They would remove an older video from one site to then remaster it and bring it back on another site and claim new content.
07-03-12  04:44am

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marcdc1 (0) Thanks guys you have saved me from looking at Bang Bros again. My problems with them was always that the content was too formulaic. It's great to have all the different sites, but when each one keeps doing the same shoot over and over again, what's the point?
07-26-12  04:04am

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noche (0) @2FreeK, I completely agree with your post. I used to think BB's was great. At least as good as RealityKings. But the sites I liked stopped updating (facial fest, backroom) and the ones that update are mainly have chunky aging porn stars with fake tits. Christy Mack is hot, but they've got like 30 videos of her in the last two months. My taste hasn't changed, BB's has become an amateur brazzers.

Something must be going on because Preston left them and went to RK. And they have been posting many remastered scenes and fewer updates. Recently that could be related to the porn shutdown though.

09-12-12  04:59pm

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