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Visit XL Girls

XL Girls (0)

Jutti24 (0) 07-14-12  01:15am
Rookie Badge  Male Profile TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -) Updates with videos/photos multiple times a week
-) Large variety of models
-) Easy navigation, appealing design
-) Zipped photosets are downloadable (although not with a unique filename)
-) Video and photo quality of new sets is very good (720p and 1200x800 pixels) - i like the colors and contrast and detail in the photos. Makeup is used on the models
-) Plenty of content and variety
-) Download speed was decent for me
Cons: -) Videos are downloadable ONLY for one month after release. After that you CANNOT download videos anymore and you can watch it streaming only.
-) Zipped photosets for download have no unique filename.
-) old content (and that's a big part of the content) is not so great in quality - mostly low-resolution photos.
Bottom Line: As always, this is a BBW-site and as such anybody looking for something else should go elsewhere.

But those who enjoy this kind of content (and you can preview the featured models as a non-member quite well), will definitely like the content inside. You'll find many models in great videos. Video quality of new videos is good (720p) and so is the photography. The overall styling of the model is stylish with makeup - so not as natural as some others might like. Content is exclusive as far as I could see.

However there is one MAJOR ISSUE with the site: Videos are only downloadable for one month after release. After that you CANNOT download videos anymore and you'll have to be happy with streaming (so no viewing later on). To be frank, this sucks. All websites that restrict downloading of videos suck and this is the reason why I didn't give it a 90+ point rating. I'd be happy to pay a premium to download all videos as I please. Nothing during sign-up tells you about that restriction.

Site navigation is easy and straightforward, so is downloading of videos (if they are downloadable) and photos. One minor glitch with photoset downloading: the file naming is "Modelname.zip" so your photosets aren't named to matching videos - you'll have to rename (or auto-rename) the file during download so you don't overwrite existing zip-sets.

Important during signup: They try to screw you when signing up by offering a 19,90 one-month recurring option and a 29,90 one-month NON-recurring option. Be aware what you choose.

Verdict: The action and the models are excellent and I'd somewaht recommend the site. The downloading restriction is downright ugly, hence a big fine in rating-points.

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Review Replies (5)

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Msg # User Message Date


pat362 (0) Thanks for the review. This site belongs to the Score Group and it suffers from the same problem as all the other and that means you can only stream the bulk of the content. You can only download the videos uplaoded in the last month. I learned that the hard way and I've been warning everyone wince then to avoid those sites. I don't mind if a site offers mostly streaming videos but that info should be in bold which is not the case for any of their sites. Instead they deceive customers by having the download info on the same line as the streaming one.

Are you sure about your 20$ price? I just checked the site and the join price is 40$. The only way to get 20 is if you sign up for 3 months. Frankly one month at 40$ for streaming content is robbery.
I'm glad you enjoyed the site but I would never give a site that doesn't allow paying members the right to download content a score above 60 unless it was a streaming only site.

07-15-12  09:54am

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Jutti24 (0) REPLY TO #1 - pat362 :

I absolutely agree, The Score Group's business practise of mostly streaming sucks.
And I also agree - they deceive you when signing up by "hinting" that you can download all the videos. I am also warning as many people as I can about this limitation - hence my reason for this review.

Yes I am positive about the price. I just cancelled my subscription and it says "subscription for xlgirls.com @ 19.99 USD renews every 30 days". I agree, 40$ would be extremely steep for streaming only - and to be honest, the amount of content isn't THAT large, as many many models only feature old photos.

It was a tough decision on the score! While I enjoy the content and the models and everything, but the turnoff is the download-limitation... Maybe I'll rework the score depending on my lasting impression after a while.

07-16-12  11:57am

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pat362 (0) REPLY TO #2 - Jutti24 :

I respect any reviewers choice of score because it is sometimes very subjective. The fact that you mention the info about the lack of download is the most important thing anyway. That was a very nice and informative review.

I remember reading that the president of Score said that the reason they stopped allowing mebers to download videos was because the content kept on winding up on tube and torrent sites. I would have been fine with that answer if he had been honest and made it quite clear that the content wasn't downloadable which he hasn't done.

Can I ask you a favor? If you havent' already done so then can you submit an error report on TBP about the price change. They still mention that the site is at 40$.

07-16-12  06:21pm

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Khan (Suspended) REPLY TO #3 - pat362 :

I just spot checked and am seeing the $39.99 we have listed.
07-17-12  06:58am

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Jutti24 (0) REPLY TO #3 - pat362 :

Thanks =) PU guidelines defines the 70-79 point range as "Does some things good, some things poor. Might recommend." - I find that this describes the problem quite well.

I also do remember reading about the reason behind streaming-only, but TBH: that's the wrong way to go. You can't really stop piracy without making paying customers unhappy. And I don't want to see the future for paying customers in streaming-only which means you can only watch videos as long as you are a paying member. After leaving you have little left.

No problem about your request: I just rechecked - signup page lists 1 month recurring as 29.99$(21.57€) and 1 month non-recurring as 39.99$ (28.77€) - I always sign up as a recurring member if there is a difference and cancel right away - saves you 10 bucks! I also do remember I signed up via a promotion link from some other website that mentions a 10$ discount. Not sure if it's cool to post the link though...

07-17-12  02:03pm

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