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Visit Art-Lingerie

Art-Lingerie (0)

messmer (0) 07-22-12  11:20am
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Still frustrated one year later!

And it is still in connection with the same complaint: too much air brushing, too much photo shopping until the model looks incredibly beautiful but totally plastic. Others must feel the same way because in a recent poll 58% of the subscribers would prefer if they did away with photo shop and presented their models "as is!" Hope they will listen and make the necessary changes soon because this could be a very good lingerie site.

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Msg # User Message Date


tangub (0) Well i'm a current member and also one of those 58% who voted in the poll. Really don't know why they feel the need to use so much airbrushing when all the models are already stunningly beautiful.They totally trashed my favorite freckled redhead Faye Regan with the airbrushing to the extent you wouldn't even know she had freckles if you'd not seen her before.
07-22-12  01:56pm

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #1 - tangub :

This is hilarious in a way, tangub, because my previous complaint was based on the fact that one of my favorite models, Faye Reagan, was air brushed to such an extent that I couldn't get myself to download her sets! She looked stunning, flawless ... but wasn't the Faye Reagan I was used to and collected! It is really too bad that all the "Only Tease ... only Satin" etc. sites are the same way. Gorgeous models in gorgeous lingerie but all of it air brushed way too much!
07-22-12  04:34pm

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Drooler (Disabled) I find it even more frustrating when they put the whole photo set into some kind of filtering and come up with stuff like Celeste Star on July 11th or Rebecca Blue on June 27th, just to name two. They really ruined those!

Guess they're trying to be artists. We, on the other hand, are not interested in fucking paintings. Clearly, there's a disconnect here.

07-22-12  07:32pm

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Only Tease (Suspended) We have taken on board our users input, we have made the decision that future sets produced in-house will no longer be re-touched, please understand that there are sets already uploaded to the site that have yet to be released that have had post-production and we're not in a position to re-work those sets (some we can't anyway)
07-24-12  12:32am

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #4 - Only Tease :

Thank you, that is really good to know. Would there be any way of letting the 59% of us know when the new un-retouched sets start showing up? I got so frustrated with the latest sets yesterday that I actually deleted my bookmark to your site as well as my password and username, even though I had more than a week to go until expiry! I simply couldn't stand the daily disappointment, especially since your models are so beautiful (along with their lingerie.)

Believe me when I say that there is nothing but good will toward your sites on my part and that I am looking forward to the time when the photos become more natural right across the board. BTW, what about the sets produced by other sources? Have they been instructed to keep the re-touching down as well?

Thanks a lot for responding to my comment!

07-24-12  09:45am

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #3 - Drooler :

Sorry, Drooler, I didn't mean to ignore you. I had simply forgotten all about your comment. I am happy that the webmaster seems to care and that we might see unretouched picture sets down the road yet. Most sets WERE ruined for me, to the point where I decided yesterday not to bother to return to the site even though I had more than a week to go in my subscription.
07-24-12  09:51am

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Only Tease (Suspended) REPLY TO #5 - messmer :

Hi Messmer,

We might look at adding a search "keyword" to these new sets to indicate no re-touching.

At this stage all future production will most likely be kept in-house with our staff photographers, but if any future content is purchased from other sources then it will have to comply with the same production standards as our in-house production - so no re-touching.

08-07-12  03:56pm

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