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Visit Evil Angel

Evil Angel (0)

BadMrFrosty (0) 09-01-12  12:42am
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At the risk of sounding like a complete dullard, how the hell do I enter the competition in the newsletter to win a membership to EA? It says something about following on Twitter or liking on Facebook and while I do have accounts on both of those sites the usernames in no way resemble the username I have on here. How will you know its me?

May be a silly question but I very rarely use social media sites so I'm unsure how it all works. It also says something about 4 ways to enter, what are the other ways????? If I can avoid logging into Facebook again I would be very happy as as soon as I do they set their spam email bots on me.

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Msg # User Message Date


Khan (Suspended) I've asked the guys who handle the newsletter to get back to you on this one.

As it's a holiday weekend, I'll beg your patience until they do.

09-01-12  07:15am

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Khan (Suspended) Ok, I just heard back from Ken about the contest. Here's what he had to say ...

Here is the deal on the contest. The contest is really geared to promote and grow our social media presence. The winner will be contacted via Facebook or Twitter to be notified that they won. Essentially we will ask them for their email address and the guys over at Evil Angel will email them a 30 day pass. We have four social media sites. A TBP Facebook & Twitter pages and a PU Facebook & Twitter page. They can either "Like" for Facebook or "Follow" for Twitter. For each one they do, they will get one entry to the contest. So, that is how they can enter up to four times. Hope that helps clarify

Hope that helps.

09-01-12  01:08pm

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BadMrFrosty (0) REPLY TO #2 - Khan :

Cheers Khan, its perfectly clear now.
09-01-12  01:15pm

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Capn (0) I'm not sure that an attempt to move into mainstream social media is wise.

I don't use it myself at all, but I know folk who do & I think that they would be wary of compromising their wholesome clean social media accounts with reference to our more secret side displayed around here! ;0)

Cap'n :0)

09-02-12  08:19am

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