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Rubber Passion (0)

RustyJ (0) 09-16-12  02:14am
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DRM still around?

Some of the last discussions about this site commented issues with DRM and the site dealing with them. Anyone know what happened? Do we have current members among us?

Just give me a heads up the moment there is no more DRM (or if it's already gone) and Lucy has a new regular member!

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Ergo Proxy (0) DRM is probably still around. At the bottom of the signup page it says:

"Please note: Downloads are only viewable on Windows Media Player. If you have a Mac this is only possible if you have a partition on your hard drive that allows for Windows."

So, if you can only view the clips exclusively on WMP, it is because of the verification which doesn't work with VLC or other players...it's a shame because she has added some nice clips and galleries lately.

09-16-12  11:09am

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Eugene (Suspended) Wholly agree with RustyJ on DRM - it's the only thing that keeps me from joining for quite some time now. Because otherwise site is very good and girl is hot!

Though if it makes them feel safer that way I can understand that, since they're not overgrown media company with limitless budget.

It's true that there is some jerks who have money to pay and still download from sharing sites. And those who don't have enough money won't pay either way. But I think that vast majority of people would gladly support the site because it's good.

11-07-12  10:53pm

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Latex Lucy (0)
Hi Rusty,

Thankyou for your comment :)

Since October/November 2012, all of my videos have been downloadable on PC and Mac (wmv and mp4) and are iPhone and iPad compatible. They can be streamed and/or saved by clicking on the stremed video and saving to your computer or you can download using the DRM (which I can see you're not a fan of! lol). However, the DRM version is of a slightly higher resolution.

I hope this helps you! If you have any more questions please reply or contact me directly.


04-24-13  04:30pm

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Latex Lucy (0)
Just wanted to add... thankyou guys for your comments! :)


04-24-13  04:32pm

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RustyJ (Suspended) REPLY TO #3 - Latex Lucy :

Very good to hear! I've also commented on Lucy scenes under DDF page. Good to have the main source turn into proper downloading too! :)
04-25-13  05:14am

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