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Visit Teen Mega World

Teen Mega World (0)

TheWalrus (0) 10-03-12  08:34am
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This has been mentioned before but its sooo irritating that I am going to do so again...

I have been downloading for a couple of days and 2 things I have noticed really irritate me.

1) Files names have no meaning - pet peeve of mine, in fact several sites do it and it's silly.

2) And this is the real kicker for TMW - non-unique filenames are everywhere. I just downloaded some vids for the model Anjelica, and over half had to be renamed or else it would overwrite the original. I understand this is a mega site BUT keep the filename unique within the network, please?

Otherwise this site is fine - nice contents and loads of it but these filename conventions couple with the non-unique nature is a bummer.

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Capn (0) I know you perhaps shouldn't have to, but I tend to do it myself anyway, regardless of the official naming.

How about geting into the habit of just hitting 'save as' & naming it yourself in a fashion you prefer?

Cap'n. :0/

10-03-12  09:43am

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Stas RC (0)
We`ll try to use unique filenames in our future updates.
But what concerns our old videos - the easiest way to solve your problem is to use right-click and "save target as"

10-04-12  07:34am

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