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Visit Naughty Country Girls

Naughty Country Girls (0)

marcdc1 (0) 10-18-12  07:58pm
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - Pix available in zip format.
- Giant network they celebrated their 5000 scene with a special of a month for $5.
- They often run specials - so watch for deals.
- they only have a little over 20 shoots - but there's great variety in those shoots: MFF, MMF, interracial, POV, Anal, damn near anything else you could want.
- .mp4, .flv, and .wmv formats available resolutions 480p, 720p and 1080p.
Cons: - Site so far only just over 20 videos
- Dead site: Last update was Christmas 2009
- annoying pop-ups to sell me other sites
- most models have implants (not a problem for me per se but I know some object)
- most scenes are terrible formulaic - right down to the facial in almost every shoot (was that a pun).
Bottom Line: While I like the concept of naughty country girls I'd like to see a little more variety - every shoot follows the same patter with too much rigor. And while I like a good facial, a little variety would be nice.

Bottom bottom line: If you join Naughty America check out naught country girls, with the shortage of videos it won't take long to find your favorites and leave the rest. I'm still hoping they'll revive the site and update it again.

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Review Replies (2)

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Msg # User Message Date


graymane (Suspended) You're really on a roll, ain't'cha, fellow?
The number of reviews from you lately are coming in so hot-an-heavy that we have to cut through a cloud of dust for the pleasure of reading them.
Jus' a reminder ...... we value your efforts for all your contributions.

10-19-12  06:01pm

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marcdc1 (0) REPLY TO #1 - graymane :

Thanks graymare,

Really it was more I had to do the reviews while I had the time before all the other commitments of life kept my from logging in. Even replies have had a back seat the last few days.

10-21-12  12:19pm

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