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Visit The Ass Factory

The Ass Factory (0)

rearadmiral (0) 11-17-12  07:39pm
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Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - All scenes available in HD
- All anal (which might be a negative for some)
- Top porn models
- Bills through Epoch
- Supports download managers
Cons: - Small site (72 scenes and 17 BTS scenes)
- Only updates twice a month with one scene being added
- Really shouldn’t be a stand-alone site
- Expensive for what is offered
Bottom Line: I’ll cut right to the chase on this: this site shouldn’t exist and likely only does because of greed. The reason I say that is because The Ass Factory (AF) has Jules Jordan scenes only and since Jules Jordan doesn’t have that many titles what he does have is split between AF and his main site, Jules Jordan. I don’t think there is any real justification for having two sites since neither of them is very big, and to make matters worse, these are even the same DVDs on the two sites with three or four scenes from a DVD on Jules Jordan and one or two on AF. So if you’re looking for all the scenes on a specific DVD you may be out of luck because you may discover that one scene you really want is on the other site. And since each membership is $30 this is a little expensive.

The site has only 72 scenes available now and that won’t be growing by leaps and bounds any time soon since the regular update schedule seems to be that a scene (yes, a scene, NOT a DVD…) is added every two weeks. That’s just two scenes added per month. I will admit that the most recent update was added just one week after the previous one so maybe they’re stepping it up a bit.

AF suffers from the same problem that baffled me about Jules Jordan: Jordan’s material is all from DVDs and yet the scenes aren’t organized or named by DVD. You can determine what DVD each scene is from by clicking on the scene where you’ll find that information, but it seems odd to me that the site wouldn’t be organized by DVD title. Maybe the reason for this is because organizing it by scene makes the site seem larger than it really is.

Once you get past the fact that the site isn’t a very good value you do realize that you have access to some great porn. Jules Jordan is consistent (though his older stuff is definitely better) and makes great porn. Jordan’s work definitely isn’t couples oriented with his scenes having a fairly hard edge. Much of Jordan’s work also features anal sex, which I know isn’t a good thing for some people. If you don’t like anal sex scenes, this isn’t the site for you since every scene posted here features anal sex.

With Jordan being one of the better known porn producers / directors in the business he’s able to get the who’s-who of porn in his movies. Most, if not all, of the models he works with are A-listers.

Another positive about AF is that every scene is available in 1080p. Each scene only offers mp4s for download but there are four resolutions available for each: mobile, SD, HD 720p and 1080p. I went with the 720p on most because file sizes on the 1080p were quite large and the video quality is excellent so I can imagine that they’d look that much better in 1080p.

The site also offers streaming in mobile, SD and HD resolutions. Thankfully the scenes don’t start buffering and playing until you actually select that option.

A quirk with the site is that there are 17 behind-the-scenes scenes. I say this is a quirk because there are none posted at the main Jules Jordan site. I’m a fan of BTS material so I appreciated having access to them but I realize that not everyone likes BTS stuff.

The site supports download managers and I had no problems using Internet Download Manager. I didn’t have any problem with links timing out.

The bottom line is that I can’t recommend this site unless it really has something that you absolutely must have. I know the porn business can be accused of being a little unethical sometimes and I think that splitting a fairly small DVD catalogue between two separate sites and charging $30 for each site might cross the line into being unethical. There is no reason to have done this: it isn’t like AF offers any specific niche that isn’t also on the main JJ site. Yes, this site promises all anal, but there is still plenty of anal on the main site and the scenes at AF are from DVD titles that that are also on the main site. At $30 for access to just 72 scenes and 17 BTS scenes The Ass Factory just isn’t good value.

(As an aside, you know how some high-end European car manufacturers and even the Corvette allow buyers to take delivery at the factory? Well it occurs to me that the way to improve the value of this site is if Mr. Jordan were to offer a factory tour here. Being such an ass aficionado I KNOW I’d like that. I’ve always wanted to see where they make these things…)

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Review Replies (3)

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Msg # User Message Date


pat362 (0) I think you hit the nail right on the head and this site truly exists only because Jules wants to make more money. It would make sense to have this site only if all current titles being released by him were used to update only this site but he still updates the other one with current movies.

Of course even if he stopped updating the other site and only updated this one then it would still take a long time before there was a lot of content.
I will say that if anyone is a fan of Jules newer movies then 30$ is cheap when you compare to what it cost you to buy his movies on dvd. Most of his dvd's have always been 10 to 15$ more expensive than most other companies so your emembership is about the same price as one of his movies.

11-18-12  07:23am

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rearadmiral (0) REPLY TO #1 - pat362 :

Good point on the pricing issue, pat. I don't think that $30 is too much for a membership but in this case there is no justification for doing it. If one site was all anal and the other was no anal then maybe I could see that. Or if one was 'classic' and the other new that might be enough to justify it. But he's one director and doesn't need two sites.
11-18-12  02:06pm

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pat362 (0) REPLY TO #2 - rearadmiral :

He does need the cash because he is one of those follish producers who slept with the enemy and got serioulsy burned by it. He made the mistake of getting involved with Manwin and they too him to the cleaner. If you read soem of the threads on ADt then you'll see some of the stuff that happened to him.

Of course I think that he's been a greedy douchebag by having two sites instead of only one but that's not unusual for greedy people to want to make as much money as they can.

11-18-12  05:43pm

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