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Visit Public Disgrace

Public Disgrace (0)

RustyJ (0) 12-04-12  04:07am
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Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -High Kink.com production values and dedication
-Well over 200 scenes to date with weekly update
-A wide selection of female talent, likely partly due to split production between San Francisco and Eastern Europe
-Hardcore enough. Bondage does not always come with sex, here it does
-Creative scenes and setups. Various kinds of bondage, abuse etc.
-Technically well working site with high server speeds
-Easy to manage your subscriptions and hassle free cancels
Cons: -No 1080p here either. Or high quality photography
-Relatively pricey, it's just one site for the price of many a network. Wait for a discount
-Outdoors scenes are not credible really (how could they be?) which might distract you
-Disgracing stuff itself might do nothing for many. It's not sex nor you getting disgraced so you have to get your kicks from somebody else being disgraced, often not too credibly
-Might be too much for some. There are "failed" scenes where the lady could not do it to the end
Bottom Line: Certainly one of the best sites offered by Kink.com and that's saying a lot. The site has been going from mid 2008 without interruptions and updates weekly with content that is a mix of BDSM and public sex. While it all seems to have started as outdoors sex in different East European cities, eventually they also started adding less public US indoors scenes, often shot in their San Francisco Armory building to what I'm made to believe is an audience of the subscribers. Well, that would at least explain some of the rather high prices of these sites, subsidizing some SM parties half the world away ;)

Outdoors scenes include a lot of walking around in public in light bondage, random sexual acts in semi hidden spots and eventually more sex in better hidden place, a bar or a supposedly public bus or something like that. Reactions of public vary from quite credible staring and laughing to actually participating which is a bit too much to swallow. Also no accidental under age people, police or such are ever spotted in these scenes leading me to believe in carefully planned routes and audiences. The US scenes are more hardcore in nature with heavier bondage, SM and group of people humiliating, whipping etc. the female talent. Many of those scenes are made to look like parties for the members but some are shot in pubs, sex shops and other closed off locations.

Great thing about this site is that they do not really over use same models all the time. There is lots of variation and the models also come quite equally from Europe and US and not only split between the scene types. European girls have also been featured in US shoots.

If you can live with all the make believe and do not easily feel awkward when the girls are made to walk around naked in public, this is really great site to join at least once. The price of nearly 30$ without discount can be a bit too steep with only one weekly update to join more frequently but at the moment there is enough backlog to make most feel happy. Technical side works exactly like on other Kink.com sites, no real issues there unless you want your sites looking flashy.

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Review Replies (1)

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Msg # User Message Date


rearadmiral (0) I'm always interested to read other PU's reviews of my favourite Kink sites like this one. I'm always a little concerned when I score them high that others will think I'm being subjective so when I see other members scoring high I know I'm not too far off the mark.

Like you, I think this is one of the best sites that Kink offers, and I think Kink is a great network too. This may be just me rationalizing it, but Kink's production values are so high (and therefore there costs must be very high) that I don't see the price as a problem. But... like you I look for email discounts and once you're a member of one Kink site you can join the others at discounted prices. Still, it would be nice to have some bundling option.

Anyway, great review!

BTW - some (like me) see the 'failed scenes' as a pro since they add to the realism. I wish there were more of them.

12-04-12  02:26pm

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