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Pure POV (0)

jd1961 (0) 09-07-07  10:47pm
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"Pure" POV ???

POV. Point Of View. This means the perspective of the video is in the 2nd person, from the "point of view" of the viewer. That means the man in the video doesn't "exist". That means you shouldn't see his face, you shouldn't hear his voice,he shouldn't be touching the girl, and you certainly should never see him stroking himself! Lol. This site fails in this miserably!!! Another example showing that the males in pornoville production are operating on the moronic level!! If you are a fan of true POV, avoid this site like the plague!

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Msg # User Message Date


PerfectGonzo (Suspended) The reason why the guy is talking is to get the girl more involved. The European chicks are not as outgoing and talkative as the American ones, so they need a little help. The guy has to ask questions and comment in order to get the girl talking a bit.
12-24-07  11:58am

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jd1961 (0) REPLY TO #1 - PerfectGonzo :

I have an idea. Keep the microphone away from the director.
12-24-07  12:07pm

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wally (0) I agree with just about everything you say about the right way to do POV. Problem is, I haven't really found a website yet that does it (Dreamstash comes close - it probably violates your rules a bit since the operator uses a second tripod mounted camera for some non-POV angles, but at least he knows enough to stay quiet and anonymous). What website would you recommend?
04-24-08  09:21pm

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jd1961 (0) REPLY TO #3 - wally :

To tell the truth, I have not seen a single POV site that understands the concept. It's always the same thing: they aren't smart enough to understand that the male in the video
Should never talk
Should never touch the girl
Should never touch himself
Should never have his face shown

And the girl should always be acting toward the person viewing the video.

But the people who make these things don't understand this. .

The only sites I could suggest to you belive it or not, are Jsexnetwork and actionjav. They're not POV sites per se, but the Japanese understand what POV is, and a great deal of their videos have POV. They even have POV kissing! They use glass to do this. And the girls are always acting toward the viewer.
Other than that, there are no true POV sites out there.

04-24-08  11:27pm

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NMC2008 (0) REPLY TO #4 - jd1961 :

Best POV site I have joined so far has been Sexy POV, they get the meaning of POV, but it also looks like Big Boob POV is the same way, I have yet to join though, but Sexy POV is a great site for your POV needs.

I was thinking of joining Pure POV in my venture of searching for a new POV site, but again, like with Onlyblowjob, I am not a big fan of unfamiliar girls, I may give it a shot after my JSexNetwork and 1,000 facials memberships expire.

Note: The worst POV site I have joined has been Big Girl Blowjobs, the guy talks through the entire damn scene......... for all of the scenes, extremely annoying and stupid.

07-11-08  11:01am

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Victorycreed (0) I always believed that POV means first person point-of- view. Meaning thats you thats getting it with the girl. 2nd POV is someone talking about whats going on, narrative.
12-20-08  01:29am

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OneMan (0) Give the girls an earpiece and have a director off camera.....seriously !

The reason is that the girls are not very experienced like the Americans.

They should also speak more.....even Russian is better than silence, and some English would not be too difficult to master !

I am a huge fan of the new up and coming Eastern Euro Teen scene...such as TeenMegaWorld and other similar ones...but they don't speak at all....and I agree, that we do not want to hear the blokes speak at all !

It would be vastly improved if Sveta and Co., started to talk a little....and the bloke didn't !!

Whichever site starts doing this, will get very rich, very quickly !

I give English lessons......for nothing !!! Hehe !

11-11-09  09:52am

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