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RustyJ (0) 12-06-12  03:35am
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How does the limiter work on the site?

Can you actually see if you are safe downloading and how much? From what I've read, it appears as if the limiter functions almost as a punishment for downloading too much so that you are better not going over it or you get locked out for longer period?

Very confusing and not encouraging. Still the site appears excellent stuff.

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rearadmiral (0) There is no way to tell how close you are to the limit. They don't have any indication. But to make matters worse it seems that there is no universal application of the limit either. Some members here report having a limit imposed (like me) and other say they never had a limit. The Terms of Service are vague too in that they say there is a daily limit of 10GB (which might have been acceptable ten years ago but isn't realistic now) but there is some vague language about allowing a higher limit if you downlaod larger files. I emailed them to ask for clarification on that but never heard back.

I don't think there's any punishment factor here. I think that if at any time in a 24 hour period you hit the limit (amd I hit it at downloads as low as 7GB in a day) you get blocked from downloading for 24 hours.

Maybe with some luck you'll be one of the members who don't have a limit imposed. I'm not completely against limits, but 10GB isn't reasonable.

12-07-12  11:33am

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